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Helping Practitioners in Tribulations Learn to Send Picture Messages

Nov. 8, 2014 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I learned how to send picture messages on my phone, and immediately thought of a fellow practitioner who has been suffering sickness karma for the past three years. She has been unable to leave her home on her own. I realized that her coming to my mind so quickly was a hint from Master that I should go help her.

She is a veteran practitioner and was very diligent even in the first few years of the persecution. She used to work at our materials production site and was responsible for delivering brochures and leaflets to more than 200 other practitioners. Her home was once a location for group Fa study. In the past few years, however, the old forces took advantage of her attachment to sentimentality.

Three years ago, her 40-year-old son became ill and passed away eight days later. This really affected her, and she soon lost sight in one eye. She went to the hospital for surgery and was in a lot of pain. Later she developed other health problems, including diabetes. Other practitioners went to her home and would study the Fa with her and send forth righteous thoughts with her, but she was not able to leave her home anymore.

I went to see her and explained that I wanted to teach her how to tell the public about the persecution by sending picture messages. She just shook her head and told me that she couldn't even leave her room. I offered to take her in my car, but she declined. She said that she got dizzy and passed out when she got hungry. Then she told me that the vision in her good eye was getting worse and the use of a cell phone was not something she felt she could learn.

My mind was not moved, since I knew those words were not truly spoken by her. I asked Master for help, “Master, please give me wisdom. Today I must teach my fellow practitioner how to clarify the truth with a cell phone, using picture messages."

Then, without really thinking about it, I just took my cell phone out of my purse. I asked her to watch me and I went through the process of sending a picture message. When I was finished, I repeated the process two more times.

She was surprised and said, “That's it? That's all there is to it?" I said it was. She said that she would go with me and learn. She put on her coat and walked out the door.

It had just snowed, and the ground was frozen. She held tight to the railing and took small, slow steps. It saddened me to see her struggle.

I drove for a while, and when we stopped, I taught her how to send messages. I had a dozen phone cards at the time, and she was able to remember the process after she tried with all of the phone cards.

I could see she was happy, because she smiled the entire time. She said, “I thought I was done for and unable to cultivate anymore. I didn't realize that Master still cared for me and would give me such an opportunity.”

From the moment I arrived at her home to the moment she learned how to send picture messages, only an hour had passed. Yet she had completely changed. She was a different person, a new person!

She even looked better, now that she was relaxed and happy. I knew that the evil factors in other dimensions were eliminated. Those were the demons that were behind her and interfering with her, keeping her from walking on the path that Master arranged. She was able to make a breakthrough, and Master again gave her an opportunity. Our compassionate Master really does care for each of his disciples.

I gave her four phone cards. Several days later, she called me and said she had used them all up and asked me to help her purchase more. This time when she walked out the door with me, she didn't need to hold the railing at all. I was so happy to see the change in her.

She also told me that two practitioners from her Fa-study group also wanted to learn how to send picture messages, and asked me to buy them cell phones and phone cards. She said she didn't want to bother me, so she wanted to be able to buy the phone cards herself.

I told her how to get the cards and the accompanying messaging package. She helped the other practitioners do the same. Now she also does other things, including sending forth righteous thoughts for other practitioners who are in tribulations.

Another time, a practitioner from my Fa-study group said that her sister expressed a desire to send picture messages but was having difficulty learning how to do it. Her sister had been imprisoned for many years and just recently returned to cultivation after having taken a detour.

My thought was that she was just a little nervous. For safety reasons, we cannot send these messages from home, so someone must have tried to teach her outside. It's often difficult to stay focused with many people walking the streets and other distractions. She was over 70 and probably lacked confidence in her learning ability.

I thought that I could help her, and offered to teach her in my car. She was happy to have this opportunity.

We met up, she was able to learn it in just minutes. She bought four phone cards from me.

Three days later she called to tell me that it was so convenient, that she could do it wherever she was, but she didn't have enough cards and wanted to buy ten more from me.

She was able to find two other fellow practitioners who had taken a detour in cultivation. They now study the Fa together every week. She also joined us in sending forth righteous thoughts every week near the prisons.

Once, she said that she talked with several people who used to be practitioners but had not been able to return to cultivation. She brought copies of the Nine Commentaries with her but has yet to be able to convince them. The other practitioners there all encouraged her not to be moved by superficial appearances.

I have now taught six fellow practitioners how to send picture messages. They range in age from 30 to 70. What they have said and done have moved me quite a lot, and I really feel that our compassionate Master does not want to leave behind any disciples.