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From a “Bad Tempered Girl” to a “Respectable Lady”

Dec. 10, 2014 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) During the 18 years of my cultivation I have witnessed and experienced so many benefits and blessings from practicing Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Not only am I free of illness, but I am also full of energy and calm.

Before, I liked to argue with people until they gave up. I also had a bad temper. No one wanted to associate with me. I then decided to live by the Falun Dafa principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. People now view me as a nice lady. Family members and friends have noticed the power of Falun Dafa.

A neighbor said, “A former officer in our area has lost his job. We have decided to go as a group to complain about what he did to us. We know you are good at criticizing people, so we want you to take the lead in this.” I answered, “I am a practitioner now. I no longer criticize people.” She wondered why I stopped criticizing people. I said, “I want to live by the Dafa's principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and be a good person.”

Teaching Students the Value of Dafa Principles

After being laid off, I opened a billiard ball business. The business prospered, but many of my customers were high school students with bad habits. Some liked to fight with knives. However, they did not act like bullies and were willing to listen to Dafa principles. I told them the importance of being a good person and took their knives.

Although they used to fight when there were conflicts, their disagreements disappeared after they hung out at my place. These youngsters were misled by the bad environment, but they were not bad people.

After I explained the importance of withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations, many did. They told people that they were coming to a Falun Dafa place.

Some of these students have grown up and are working now. When they see me, they ask about Dafa. I know that these youngsters changed because of the power of Master's compassion.

Helping Those in Need

When my business made a profit, I decided to help those in need. In 2000 I learned that a little girl in a poor district had just lost her mother and needed help. I paid her school fees. She came to my home on weekends and holidays, and I treated her like my own daughter and told her about Falun Dafa. She was very supportive of Dafa and has withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliates.

She graduated from a university and became a physician in a local hospital. I know that her support of Falun Dafa has brought her blessings.

Benefiting from the Positive Energy of Dafa

A few years ago I wanted to lease my old house, which was close to a hospital. A girl and her mother were interested and came to see it. Her mother had had surgery not long before and was moving very slowly. When she went into the bedroom, she decided to lie down on the bed to see how it would feel. She felt so comfortable that she decided to stay. I told her that Falun Dafa practitioners used to live in this house, so there was positive energy to help her.

I visited her often. I told her about Falun Dafa and read Dafa books to her. She had to go for a checkup at the hospital regularly. However, after two visits she decided not to go anymore, because she felt better after listening to me read Dafa books. By the time she returned to her own home, she had decided to practice Falun Dafa. I visited her and brought her more Dafa materials. Her family was grateful to me, because they had witnessed the power of Falun Dafa.

These are only a few of the many amazing things I have experienced over the past 18 years. I am grateful to Master for offering me salvation, and I am glad that Dafa has spread all over the world. I believe that this is the path that will lead all who have compassion to a bright future.