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Father and Son Practitioners Tried in Shandong Province

Dec. 14, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Father and son Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Guo Shuqun and Mr. Guo Jinyong were tried in Guan County Court on December 3, 2014.

“I've Never Seen Armed Police Officers Protecting the Guan County Court.”

Traffic police were positioned at the intersection east of the court, blocking traffic during the trial. Plainclothes police, special forces, firefighters, armed police, and traffic police were stationed in front of the entrances of the police department, the Procuratorate, a kindergarten, the court, and a school on the street south side of the court. Cars were permitted to exit but not enter the street. The front entrance to the court was cordoned off with a rope, and no one was allowed to enter. Police officers and special forces carrying arms patrolled the area. The Guan County 610 Office and the Procuratorate were at the scene.

The father and son's attorney said in court, “I've never seen armed police officers protecting the Guan County Court.”

“We Haven't Committed Any Crimes!”

Initially only the father, and sons' wives were allowed to attend the trial. Their attorney persuasively argued to let the son's older sister enter the court, but access to his younger sisters and others was denied. Shortly after the trial began, the son's wife, who was sitting in the visitors' seats, said, “We haven't committed any crimes! We haven't violated the law!” Several police officers forcibly carried her out of the courtroom and shoved her into a police car. She was taken to the Qingquan Police Station.

Their lawyer entered a plea of not-guilty, The son said in court, “We haven't committed any crimes or violated the law. It is my great honor to practice Falun Dafa and save sentient beings.”

The judge didn't announce a verdict, but said they would retry the case at a later date, and hastily adjourned the court. The son's mother said in a loud voice, “All that we have suffered is so that you can understand what Falun Dafa is, and that innocent people are being persecuted for their beliefs.”

The sons's sister supported their mother while leaving the courtroom. The son's wife was nowhere to be seen. The mother questioned the police officer, “Where have you taken my family members?”

The family was very concerned about the son, because he appeared to have lost a lot of weight. They requested to see him after the proceedings ended. The officers pushed his mother, and his sister became very angry. She took a photograph of the officer who did this. Several officers pushed her to the ground and seized her cell phone.

Moreover, police officers put black masks on the father and son, and escorted them back to jail.

Background of Arrest

Mr. Guo Shuqun, the father, was arrested in Wanshan Township in Guan County when he was selling coal gas on March 18, 2014. Guo Zhenguang, the Party secretary and mayor of Wen Village in Qingshui Town, brought police officers from the Domestic Security Division of the police department, and the Qingshui Town Police Station, to the father's home, where they searched and confiscated property.

Guo Zhenguang used the cell phone confiscated from the son's wife to call the son. He lied in order to find out his location. He took the officers to the son's temporary job and arrested him.

The Guan County Court detained the father and son for eight months before bringing them to trial, during which time they were denied visitation rights.