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How the Actions of Falun Dafa Practitioners Affect Others

Dec. 2, 2014

(Minghui.org) The upright behavior and actions of Falun Dafa practitioners often has a positive effect on people and help them to realize that Falun Dafa is good.

“I Saw it with My Own Eyes. I Believe Falun Dafa Teaches People to be Good!”

From Hebei Province, China

A Falun Dafa practitioner from Xingtai No. 1 Village, Hebei Province, saw his pigs running out of their pen. When he tried to herd them back in, he saw a car hit one of the pigs on the highway, killing it.

The driver was very concerned, but was surprised to hear someone say, “It's OK. You can go!”

He answered, “I can't!”

The practitioner said: “Really, its OK, you can go!”

The driver nervously replied, “But I killed your pig......”

“Could you have killed it if it was in its pen, where it belongs?” the practitioner commented. “I practice Falun Gong. It is my fault for not keeping the pigs secure. It's not your fault. You can go!” The relieved driver then left.

A villager witnessed the incident, and exclaimed: “I saw it with my own eyes. I believe Falun Dafa teaches people to be good! I will recite 'Falun Dafa is good' every morning and at night.”

“Your Money Is So Powerful”

By Nan Nan from Shenyang City, China

I work in a supermarket and a lot of money passes through my hands every day. I often find bills that have Falun Dafa information on it, I call them “Falun Dafa notes.”

After reading several such bills, I realized that Falun Dafa is treated unjustly; that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) commits the heinous crime of harvesting practitioners' organs, and that the rest of the world has no problems with the practice.

One day, while I was counting money handed by a customer, I found that every bill contained Falun Dafa information. I said, “This money is so powerful.”

She smiled and said, “You will receive blessing when you circulate these bills.”

I quickly read one of the bills - “Withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliates.”

The customer waved as she was leaving and said, “Yes. That’s what you need to do.”

On one of the bills was written, “'Falun Dafa is good', sincerely recite this and you will be blessed.” I exchanged it for a bill of my own money, and now I always carry it with me. I wrote down my withdrawal from the CCP on another bill and spent it. I've learned so much from Falun Dafa information written on bills.

I often used to get dizzy, had a heart condition and suffered from low blood pressure. Now I'm full of energy and glad to see everyone. I smile more and I'm patient with customers. Falun Dafa bills are really powerful. It has served as a lifeboat for me.