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Three Practitioners from Kunming City Arrested and Tortured

Feb. 11, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Yunnan Province, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Wu Chaoqian, Mr. Wu Jinan, and Mr. Chen Jinshu, three Falun Gong practitioners from the Dongchuan District in Kunming City, were reported for putting up truth clarification posters about Falun Gong, and illegally arrested by officers from Mengguzhen Police Station. They were detained for a month, during which time they were beaten and tortured.

Brutally Beaten

     . Mr. Wu Chaoqian Slapped, Kicked, and Hit

Practitioners were arrested and taken to the Mengguzhen Police Station at 11:00 p.m. on August 30, 2013.

Officers Wu Mingfa and Shu Dechao slapped and beat Mr. Wu and shouted abuse at him. His nose bled, and he fell down when officer Li Chaogui kicked him in the chest.

Torture re-enactment: Beating

Officer Hu Zhongtao hit Mr. Wu's back with a club. He ordered Mr. Wu to stand up with his hands against the wall. Four officers kicked and beat him for half an hour. Wu Mingfa also extorted 200 yuan from him.

     . Mr. Chen Jinshu Lightheaded after Being Slapped

Mr. Chen Jinshu was also slapped in the face and became lightheaded. Officers Shu Dechao and Li Chaogui also dragged Mr. Chen by his hands while Wu Mingfa kicked him. When Mr. Chen was able to avoid a kick, Shu cursed.

     . Mr. Wu Jinan Beaten Until His Eyes Bled

When officer Shu Dechao asked Mr. Wu Jinan who contacted him to put up the posters, he said, “No one told me, I did it myself.” Officer Xie then punched his right eye so hard that it bled, and Xie kept beating him until he tired.

After torturing the practitioners, the police took them to a janitor’s room and handcuffed them together. Four officers took turns watching them and made sure they did not sleep.

The next day the men were taken to Qiaojiaxian Detention Center and interrogated separately.

Torture and Forced Labor in Qiao Jiaxian Detention Center

The practitioners were locked in different cells in the detention center.

Guard Xie Yubao shackled Mr. Wu Chaoqian’s ankles with chains that weighed about 30 pounds, and handcuffed him to a railing. His head was covered with a black cloth and he was handcuffed from 7:30 in the morning until it was time to eat. Mr. Wu remained shackled for five days.

Mr. Chen was forced to string beads. The first day he was required to do a hundred beads, two hundred beads on the second day, but on the fourth day, he was required to string 500 beads. When Mr. Chen said he would not be able to finish, his ankles were shackled again as punishment.

Mr. Wu Jinan was also forced to string beads. He was deprived of sleep until he finished his work. During the day he had to do forced labor, and at night he was beaten and cursed at by the criminal inmates. He was also forced to squat over the toilet.

Domestic Security Team officers Qiao Jiaxian, Peng Hongchun, and Deng Renfei took the practitioners for a physical examination after they had been locked up for 15 days. They were then taken back to the detention center.

Police Extort Funds from Practitioners' Families

On September 29, thirty days after they were arrested, the practitioners' family members went to the detention center to take them home. Their families said they had to pay 8,000 yuan to “bail” them out.