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Letting Go of Human Sentiments to Effectively Communicate with Others

Feb. 11, 2014 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) It is said among the populace: “To communicate with emotions is not communication. It is venting negative emotions.” This statement conforms to the truth.

There are times when a person is grumbling, worried or unsettled and wants to solve problems through communication. However, because of being filled with negative emotions, one is like an inflated balloon that may explode at any time.

In the old days, people would communicate when they were calm, because people were more open-minded and willing to let things happen naturally. Today, people are ready to fight for what they want. Instead of trying to reach a mutual understanding, one points fingers at others. This most likely is because people are focusing on personal gains.

To communicate effectively one must let go of human sentiments and be of calm mind. This helps to keep one's ego out of it.

It is common knowledge that ordinary people are controlled by emotions. Those with a strong ego always think that they can do no wrong. Such people are unable to communicate effectively. They unknowingly vent their negative emotions when they talk.

Many people are sensitive to negative comments, which could cause them to fight back. When one is emotionally unstable, one is more likely to complain or criticize. Such actions can only make things worse. This is why whenever one is in a bad mood, it is best to not talk to people.

For a human to be rational and effective, one should let go of human sentiments. To participate in a discussion, one also should have the ability to listen. An agitated person won't be able to listen. Only after letting go of human sentiments can a person be free from taking a biased view, able to rationally analyze the problem at hand, make a sound judgment and be able to listen to others' viewpoints.

Cultivators and Sentiments

Cultivators have to let go of sentiment. Then, they are able to affect their environment positively.

Letting go of human sentiments is necessary before one can have compassion and righteous thoughts. A cultivator must be calm and open-minded so that he can understand others or look inward for the cause of a problem.

When one can understand others, including the problem they face, one's compassion will come out naturally. That is the result of righteous thoughts held by a cultivator.

The communication between two cultivators who are calm and open-minded is based on righteous thoughts. These righteous thoughts will form a strong righteous field. Sharing under this condition can resolve problems naturally, because each side first thinks of the other.