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Distributing Shen Yun Show DVDs in Hunan's Mountainous Areas

Feb. 13, 2014 |   By Li Yu, recorded by a fellow practitioner in Hunan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I'm a Falun Dafa practitioners who has been employed as a nanny for many years. My job is very time consuming, leaving little time for myself. I use this time to distribute Falun Dafa materials in villages and mountainous areas because there are relatively few Dafa practitioners in these areas.

I make a special point to distribute DVDs of Shen Yun Performing Arts. Such performances are wonderful, bringing back ancient Chinese culture and telling stories about more recent times as well. My goal is to give a Shen Yun DVD to every person in the villages and mountainous areas.

Neither Heat nor Cold Stops Practitioners from Distributing DVDs

We experienced hot weather and a scorching sun during the summer of 2013, so people stayed indoors. But neither the weather nor my short holidays deterred me on my quest to distribute the DVDs, which is also a way of saving sentient beings.

When I knocked on people's doors only few responded because the heat was suffocating. It was no joke if someone said that if you cracked an egg on the ground it would be fried.

However, neither heat nor cold would stop a practitioner from doing the three things, a responsibility given to practitioners by Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa.

Some said, “I am truly thankful that you have come out on such a hot day to give us the DVD. You should get a drink of water and rest a while before you move on.” Others said, “This heat could kill people. Why don't you stay for dinner.” There were people who didn't want the DVD. Then, as I walked away they called me back and said, “The weather is so hot. It is truly difficult for you to bring the DVD here. Why don't you give me a couple so that I can keep one and pass on the other to a friend.”

Traveling to Mountainous Areas in 2012

I decided to bring Shen Yun Performing Arts DVDs to mountainous areas in 2012. I had never visited those areas before. These are poverty stricken areas where a DVD player is a rare treasure.

For example, I walked a very long distance into a mountainous area and was able to distribute just over thirty on one occasion. I had traveled a narrow and uneven road that ended and I had to turn around and take the same long road back. It was discouraging having distributed only a few DVDs. But, Master was looking out for me and stopped me from being discouraged. Suddenly a fellow on a motorcycle came by and offered me a ride.

Another time, I kept on walking further and further into a mountainous area. It was getting dark. If I turned back, I still had dozens of miles to go before reaching a bus stop. I didn't know what to do. Then, a tricycle for collecting waste materials came by and the driver said, “This road is terrible to walk on. Let me take you back out.” I knew Teacher had arranged this ride for me.

Master arranges everything for his practitioners. One day I was distributing Shen Yun Performing Arts DVDs in another mountainous district. Suddenly the road ended. I found a local person who told me, “There is a very narrow and rugged trail, which is only about four miles long and winds through a forest of large trees.” It was dark on that trail, but I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to help me to get through this trail of darkness. I made it through and saw at the bottom of the mountain a country road and some houses.

I once saw a two-meter-long dark line blocking my path. When I looked closely, it was a dark snake. I immediately recited, “Falun Dafa is good.” I only held the thought that I needed to distribute more DVDs, and a way opened which allowed me to pass the snake safely.

I returned to my village to distribute Shen Yun DVDs in 2011. I was able to give everyone in the village a DVD.

I have been passing out Shen Yun Performing Arts DVDs to the villagers over the last few years. I have not encountered any problems because Master has been looking out for me. By now, several thousand DVDs are in the hands of villagers.

Many asked me, “Isn't this disc produced by Falun Gong?” I replied, “Yes, it is the most valuable thing. Falun Gong has spread to more than one hundred countries worldwide.” Upon hearing my reply they say, “I'd like to watch this show.”

It is just as Teacher said, “Clarifying the truth is the master key.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference”)