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Ordinary People Happy to Hear about Falun Dafa

Feb. 28, 2014 |   By a practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I went to a square to distribute informational materials and tell people the facts about Falun Dafa. A few elderly ladies told me quietly, “You are quite daring. Be careful not to be seen by them (referring to the police).” I told them the facts about Falun Dafa and gave them some materials.

They reminded me again when they saw me before I was leaving for home, “Young lady, you truly ought to be very careful.” Their concern warmed my heart in the cold of the winter. I waved to them while turning around to hide my tears. “Don't worry, I am okay.”

Yelling Boldly, “Falun Dafa Is Good”

I told the facts about Falun Dafa to an elderly man who was on duty at a construction site and helped him quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliates. He kept smiling as though he was listening to a most interesting story. He took the Falun Dafa informational materials and kept thanking me. I believed that his knowing side had been yearning for this day for a long time.

A group of youngsters were at the construction site. One of them yelled, “Falun Dafa is good” when he took the pamphlet I gave him.

At the wholesale market, people often asked me what I was handing out. I told them, “It is the most critical information that relates to everyone. But normally you would not be able to hear it locally. You must read it to find out.”

Some vendors asked, “Is it related to Falun Gong?” I said, “Yes, as only Falun Gong can tell you the truth and disclose the true nature of the CCP. Who else would you say could?” They often nodded their heads and accepted the materials. Some would recite the contents of the pamphlet loudly without any concern for being heard.

“When Is Jiang Zemin Going to Be Tried?”

I went out to distribute Dafa informational materials on New Years Day. A few people were in front of a car shop and I gave each of them informational materials. Some of them asked me who provided us with the money for making them. I told them that no one did. It was all from practitioners' own savings. They admired us for it, although not everyone understood why we would do such a thing.

Another person asked, “When are you guys going to put Jiang Zemin on trial? He is dying. You guys need to hurry.”