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Teacher from Hailin City Tortured in Qianjin Forced Labor Camp

Feb. 28, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) After one of her students reported her to the authorities, Ms. Xu Ying, a teacher from Hailin City in Heilongjiang Province, was arrested and sentenced to a year and a half of forced labor. In the labor camp, she was tortured with the iron chair, deprived of sleep, and had her term extended. She was released on August 17, 2013.

She was illegally arrested from home around 8 a.m. on August 14, 2012 by Ding Yuhua, head of Hailin City Domestic Security Team, and police officers Wang Wei and Jin Haizhu. They confiscated two of her personal computers, a printer, two mobile phones, and other personal belongings.

She was taken to the local detention center, where she was interrogated by Domestic Security team head Guan Jingwei and pressured to write a guarantee statement and report on other practitioners. In October 2012, Ms. Xu was arrested again and sent to the Qianjin Forced Labor Camp in Harbin City for a year and a half.

In the labor camp, the head of her team pressured her to write the three statements. When she refused, the guards threatened her with electric batons. They would not allow her family to visit or send her money for daily necessities.

Instigated by the guards, some of the inmates assisted in mistreating the detained Falun Gong practitioners. When inmate Lu Haishan was the cell head on duty, she recorded practitioners' every move and reported it to the guards. Because Ms. Xu refused to recite the camp rules, Lu Haishan cursed at her and shoved her around. After inmate Cui Lianlian reported to the guards that she refused to recite the camp rules in December 2012, Ms. Xu was taken to an isolated area where the guards slapped her face and cursed her.

Guard Yang Yan instigated inmate Li Haishan to hit Ms. Xu in the head with a rolled-up newspaper in March 2013.

In May 2013, Ms. Xu and other practitioners, including Tian Qingling, Lin Peiyu and Wang Dongli, were transferred from the first team to the second team, where the persecution was more intense. Head Zhou Muqi frequently refused to let practitioners wash, eat, or drink. On May 25, the four practitioners went on a hunger strike to protest the ill treatment. At one point, heads-on-duty Zhou Lifan, Cong Zhili, and Li forced Ms. Xu to stand up without any sleep for an entire night. The next day Ms. Xu and Lin Peiyu were subjected to the iron chair torture and Tian Qingling was locked up in a solitary cell.

While restraining Ms. Xu in the iron chair, Zhou Muqi handcuffed her behind her back, pulled her hair, and slapped her face. Ms. Xu's face swelled up and a lot of her hair fell out.

Iron Chair

Ms. Xu started to practice of Falun Gong after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the persecution.

In 2013 when the CCP claimed it was ending the labor camp system, Qianjin Labor Camp was relabeled a "drug rehabilitation center," but the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners continued as before.