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There Are No Role Models for Falun Dafa Practitioners

Feb. 28, 2014 |   By a practitioner in the USA

(Minghui.org) I've recently gained a deeper understanding of Master's words, “...all beings in today's world came for the sake of the Fa.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Conference IV - Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference”) and “...this life of yours is now the life of a cultivator. Nothing is by chance anymore...” (“Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles”) I realized that I should not ignore words casually and repeatedly said by others, including those of non-practitioners.

I'm a new practitioner. Due to my predestined relationship with Falun Dafa, I found Zhuan Falun online. I began to cultivate in Dafa after I read the book. I didn't step forward to introduce Dafa or expose the persecution for a long time, and was not aware that Falun Dafa cultivators were asked to assist Master in the Fa-rectification.

My mother came to the United States to visit me. I had her read Zhuan Falun. She didn't think much of it after she read the book. I thought that my mother was probably not predestined to cultivate in Dafa based on her reaction, because when I read Zhuan Falun I was stunned and touched by Master's words.

My mother asked me if practitioners had formed any type of organization, were supposed to conduct themselves in a certain way, or had any required activities. I responded, “There is no organization. Everyone cultivates from deep within their hearts.” I thought I gave her the correct answer.

After some time, my mother asked me the same question again, and it wasn't until then that I searched for a practice site. I met several practitioners after locating a practice site, and found out that everyone was busy doing Dafa projects. I had ignored my mother's words because she was not a practitioner and I had almost missed the opportunity to assist Master in the Fa-rectification.

A practitioner told me that I should encourage my mother to cultivate in Dafa. With this practitioner's help, I studied the Fa with my mother, but the effect was not good. I felt discouraged and thought that my mother did not have a predestined relationship with Dafa. I even had an argument with her. The practitioner said that when we argue with ordinary people, it is usually our fault.

My mother later said that she wanted to help practitioners with anything they needed. I thought, “You are not a practitioner. How can you, as a non-practitioner, do Dafa work?” So I turned her down. But my mother kept offering her help. Coincidentally, a practitioner said that practitioners in another city were promoting Shen Yun Performing Arts and asked if my mother could help with cooking. I hesitated and thought, “My mother is not a practitioner and cannot forbear hardship. Will she mess things up? Will she complain to me afterward?” I had all kinds of human notions and thoughts. To my surprise, my mother gladly agreed to help.

My Mother Became a Practitioner

I was worried as I arranged for my mother to go to this city. I was afraid that she could not forebear hardship or work well with local practitioners. But it turned out that she learned and gained a lot. She said she was touched by practitioners' spirits, and began to do the exercises and study the Fa with them. Shortly after she came back from this city, she went to another city to help. This time she distributed Shen Yun Performing Arts fliers. When we talked on the phone, she told me with joy, “Although it is hard work, I'm very happy. I can now meditate in the lotus position.” It looked as though my mother had stepped onto the Falun Dafa cultivation path.

I realized from my mother's experience that “The Dafa disciples' way of cultivation, then, has no predecessor and no model.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Conference VII, Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference”) I shouldn't have expected my mother to have the same experiences that I had when I first learned about Dafa. I should not take other practitioners as role models or think of myself as a role model. I also learned that although things may seem random on the surface, they probably didn't happen by chance.

Since I'm fairly new to cultivation, I still have many human attachments that need to be eliminated. This is my current understanding.

Thank you Compassionate Master! Thanks you fellow practitioners for your selfless help!