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A Doctor's Story: Enduring Torture and Continuing to Tell Others the Truth about Falun Dafa

Feb. 5, 2014 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am a doctor. I'm also a Falun Dafa practitioner. I started practicing Falun Dafa soon after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting the practice in 1999. Since then, I have endured many physical and mental hardships.

Despite the adverse environment, I never wavered in my belief in Master and the Fa. I consistently, peacefully and rationally clarified the truth about Falun Dafa during the past years so my fellow citizens might have a bright future.

Despite Fear of the CCP, Becoming a Practitioner

I work in a rural area. Before practicing, I used to be quite interested in the mysteries of the universe, supernormal abilities and qigong.

I saw a copy of the book Zhuan Falun at a friend's house and felt drawn to Master's picture. I finished this book in just one day after I returned home. The principles described in it have answered my puzzles about the universe, life, and the human body.

However, I didn't start practicing Falun Dafa until early 2000 because I feared the CCP. But, from then on I was determined to cultivate.

I had lived through many years of the Cultural Revolution, so I understand the brutal nature of the CCP. Therefore, after reading Zhuan Falun, I sensed that the CCP would find an excuse to attack the practice.

Facing Pressure to Renounce Falun Dafa

My family, relatives and friend pressured me to renounce Falun Dafa, with everyone using different tactics. For example, my siblings argued with me and my wife went on a hunger strike. The atmosphere was similar to what happened during the Cultural Revolution.

Because of the CCP's incrimination by association policy I wrote a separation agreement and cut ties with my family. I then left for Beijing. I went to Tiananmen Square and shouted “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

Master said:

“If you don't take action to save sentient beings, you will not have fulfilled your responsibility as a Dafa disciple and your cultivation will amount to nothing, for your becoming a Dafa disciple was not for the sake of your own Consummation. This means that you shoulder a monumental mission.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference”)

I did not succumb to the pressure to renounce Falun Dafa, but rather did the three things Teacher asked us to do. I distributed truth clarification flyers about Falun Dafa to thousands of families.

Facing the Persecution Without Regret

I was arrested and taken to brainwashing centers four times and tortured every time I was detained. For example, I was gagged with a dirty cloth, suffered sleep deprivation, had to squat against a wall and was not given food. Additionally, my head was pushed into a dirty water tank and dragged back and forth on a wet concrete floor.

When I refused to betray fellow practitioners and renounce Falun Dafa, they tried to choke me by covering my head with a plastic bag. Because of the inhuman torture, my hair turned gray and I lost my teeth. I was emaciated, as I had lost 55 pounds. My license to practice medicine was revoked, resulting in the financial loss of several hundred thousand yuan.

I was arrested in 2000 in Beijing. I told the police about the power of Falun Dafa, including stories about people who returned to good health. My arguments convinced the Political and Legal Affairs Committee Secretary and he transferred to another position to avoid persecuting Falun Dafa.

I was arrested and taken to a brainwashing center in 2001. The local Party Secretary tried to “transform” me. Instead, I clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to him for more than an hour. When I was released, he held my hand and said: “I learned what I had never heard before. As you said, let time and the facts prove the goodness of Falun Dafa.” He had changed his attitude toward Falun Dafa. He was promoted later.

I was arrested again in 2007. I wrote my defense statement, in which I spoke about the goodness of Falun Dafa. I delivered it at the trial, but still was given a three and a half year prison term. On the way back to the detention center, a policeman in the car whispered. “Your defense statement was really good.”

Bringing the News About Falun Dafa to Prisoners and Guards

In the detention center, I clarified the truth to all prisoners and guards and helped them quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Because of my truth clarification efforts, the prison replaced those that monitored me every few days. Yet, more than 100 people quit the CCP within 14 months.

During a Falun Dafa slandering meeting, I told the more than 80 people present about Falun Dafa. I told them to remember that “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” More than 60 people quit the CCP within one year.

When more than 70 people were watching television in the prison hall, one prisoner raised his two arms and shouted, “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Furthermore, the chief of the prison no longer beat me and ignored my telling everyone about Falun Dafa.

Out of fear, I held back telling the supervisors, who were the most depraved people at that place, about Falun Dafa. On the evening before my release I fought a battle in my mind, worrying that I may not be released if I spoke up. I finally conquered my fears and spoke for more than two hours to all of them.

All eleven supervisors quit the CCP and its affiliates. One person said, “Why didn't you come here sooner? You are leaving tomorrow. Good luck to you! I'll learn Falun Dafa with you after I leave here. I admire Falun Dafa disciples the most.” He saw me off the next day and shouted in the hallway: “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

Master said:

“The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts.”(“Diver Out Interference, Essentials for Further Advancement II”)

Saving Sentient Beings at My Clinic

I opened up a clinic and a drug store after I was released, but still found time to do the three things.

I set a goal for myself to save at least five persons a day during the first three years of opening my clinic. But I revised my number to more than ten last year. I still exceeded my new target number every day. I even helped as many as 75 people quit the CCP in one day.

I keep the New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television or the truth clarification DVDs on hand. I put the Falun Dafa flyers on the counter and hung the “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” poster on the wall.

While treating patients is the duty of a physician, talking about Falun Dafa is the mission of Falun Dafa disciples. As a doctor, I help my patients with their physical problems and at the same time talk about Falun Dafa. My clinic became better known and more and more people came to seek treatment, many of them from afar.

Some patients said, “I am so happy and feel comfortable being with you. Falun Dafa practitioners are great. Please give me some Falun Dafa flyers. I'll distribute them for you. The society will become good if every one practices Falun Dafa.”

I also helped some former practitioners return to the practice.

Experiencing the Power of Falun Dafa

I experienced the power of Falun Dafa when treating patients and helping people understand Falun Dafa

Mr. Liu suffered cirrhosis and esophageal bleeding. His funeral arrangement had been made. I told him to recite “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compass-Forbearance is good.” Three years have gone by and he is still alive. His entire family believes that Falun Dafa is good.

A woman from Harbin in northeastern China was diagnosed by Beijing 301 Hospital with lumbar disc herniation and severe arthritis. She needed two people to carry her. She had stayed in a hospital in Harbin City for more than two months and spent over 40,000 yuan without finding relief. I treated her for ten days and told her to recite the following phrase, “ Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” every day. She can walk up stairs by herself now.

An elderly man from Hebei Province in his seventies was paralyzed due to a stroke. I told him to recite the phrase. He kept reciting the words all day long and returned to good health within about 20 days.

Mr. Liu from Beijing had been diagnosed with aortic dissection and his abdomen was bigger than that of a pregnant woman. Several specialists at two hospitals informed his family that his condition was critical and an operation at a cost of 150,000 yuan was needed. I helped him quit the CCP and its affiliates, played Falun Dafa DVDs for him, and told him to recite the special phrase. It took only three hours for him to return to good health. His family of more than a dozen people were amazed and decided to quit the CCP and its affiliates.