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Group Coordination Makes Us More Mature

March 1, 2014 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Our coordination group has worked together for years, and I would like to share our experiences and thoughts about this.

Importance of Group Study

Years ago, our local coordinators and several project leaders frequently met in person. One practitioner suggested that we study the Fa as a group before discussing issues. About 12 of us formed a Fa-study group, and every time we met, we first read Master’s teachings, shared our thoughts, and then had our discussion. We always changed where we met and never met in the same location. We usually chose a location after each meeting and also sent forth righteous thoughts to ensure safety.

Recently it was suggested that group study be canceled due to logistic and other practical constraints. They felt that emails were easier for regular communication, and we could organize a face-to-face meeting if needed. The team agreed.

At the beginning, we felt fine, and each of us had more time to do things. But problems soon began to arise. Each of us worked independently for a while, and team members gradually became isolated from each other. We no longer felt the compassionate energy field that was there during our group study. Emails could not replace face-to-face conversation. Certain issues that required timely feedback, discussion, and decisions were not addressed.

We realized that this wasn't right, so we decided to resume our group study. The first time we got back together, we watched Master’s “Fa Teaching Given to Australian Practitioners.” During this lecture, Master repeated the importance of group study. We realized that we should keep meeting for group study.

Internet Access to Minghui for Each Practitioner Critical to Coordination

We noticed that the cultivation of practitioners who could read Minghui articles online improved faster, so, early on, the coordination group members realized the importance of connecting to Minghui.

For years, our group has held a special project to teach practitioners to use the Internet to read Minghui. We discovered that, as more and more people connected to Minghui, our collective cultivation became better. The effect manifested in the following ways:

1. Practitioners were more confident when they had a better understanding of the Fa. Minghui publishes many articles every day, dealing with a variety of issues, so practitioners know what to do on important issues.

2. Former practitioners who went astray had no influence. A former practitioner from another city who developed wrong notions about Dafa had some bad influence in our region. But later he never came back, because more people could read Minghui on the Internet. When compared with Minghui articles, this person's deviated notions were simply absurd. He had to stop interfering.

3. Timely communication and feedback. When practitioners were persecuted, the whole group was notified and sent forth righteous thoughts to support fellow practitioners. The collective effort quickly formed a powerful energy field that could stop the persecution.

Improve Coordination Locally and with Other Regions

After our local environment got better and more relaxed, some of our coordinators became zealous. In 2007, some practitioners went to other regions and talked about how well we were doing and they attracted “fans” among practitioners in other regions.

When these human notions grew and we did not pay attention to them, the persecution also became more severe. Some local material sites were discovered by the police, and practitioners were sentenced to long jail terms. Before the trouble began, one practitioner saw a scene with her third eye: our area was filled with evil beings from out of town. We later learned that we cannot become complacent, never portray ourselves as role models, and never treat others as role models, either. The evil will not stop taking advantage of practitioners’ loopholes.

Fortunately, our local practitioners began to see the damage caused by our zealotry and show off mentality. After we sat down and read Master’s teachings and sent forth righteous thoughts, we were able to change the situation.

In May 2013, Minghui published the editorial “Giving Speeches Amounts to Disrupting the Fa.” This article had a huge impact on local practitioners. Our coordination group met several times, shared our thoughts, and rectified our understandings. It was a painful process. Finally, we all realized our mistakes, and gave up the subconscious wish to coordinate practitioners in other regions.

Master is watching us. Our job is to cultivate ourselves. When we come to the right understanding, Master can do everything for us.