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Our Experiences Installing NTDTV Satellite Dishes

May 3, 2014 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) In order to clarify the truth, our group is responsible for installing NTDTV satellite dishes. Over the years, I have gone from not knowing anything at all about this to learning how to handle everything. We invited practitioners from another area to teach us. Under Master's guidance, we opened a path for saving sentient beings. Below are our experiences.

We started this effort at the end of 2011. All of the practitioners' families that had installed NTDTV satellite dishes were amazed and delighted. Our small group decided that we would make it available to the general public, and we made the installation our project.

When we first started, we didn't know anything about the technology, so we needed to contact the customers and then contact practitioners in the city who knew how to install the dishes.

One time when we were studying the Fa, a practitioner called and said that the next day he would be our area on business. He said he would install dishes in our area if there was a need. His call was very sudden, and because the transportation was not easy, this was a good chance for him to come. We couldn't pass up this chance, so I decided to tell people about it. When I pushed my bike out the door, I remembered that Master said:

“You have already passed through the hardest part. What is left won’t be so trying. You just need to do even better with it. The more hopeless things may seem, it’s possible hope will appear right before your eyes.” (“What is a Dafa Disciple”)

I told people about NTDTV. It wasn't even mid-day, and I got nine installation requests.

That experience helped me improve quite a lot. I realized that there's nothing that cannot be accomplished when you study the Fa and believe in Dafa. From then on, my advertisements went well.

In the beginning, we advertised: “You should install a satellite dish. The first installation is free, and you can watch the news that reports the truth (as opposed to the propaganda on CCP government-controlled programs). If you want to keep it, you can; if you don't, we'll uninstall it after a week.”

This made everyone want one. If they wanted a second installation, we charged the base cost. Soon after others requested them, and so we began to charge market prices for the installations.

One time we went to a neighboring village to install a dish. During the installation, the family's son came home. He had a heart of fear, and he made a scene. We tried clarifying the truth to him, but he wouldn't listen. We realized that it was evil interference. We kept quite, looked inward, and sent forth righteous thoughts. Moments later the son left, and we completed the installation without a problem.

Some people became fearful and would change their minds and want us to stop. They said that the police would come to inspect their home. We looked inward and believed in Master and Dafa. We would clear any evil beings that were keeping the public from viewing NTDTV. Then we would say, “Our installing NTDTV is not illegal; your watching NTDTV is not illegal. CCTV's shows about the Tiananmen Self-immolation are fake. We cultivators are all good people.” When we told them this, they typically accepted it. If they didn't accept it, we would strengthen our righteous thoughts and hopefully they would be saved the next time.

Transportation for the practitioner who came to our area to install the satellite dishes was not easy. Time was of the essence, and he could only install a few in one day. We thought that we should also consider that practitioner. We observed him closely and learned the techniques rather quickly.

Because we were the ones who installed them in our local area, the process went quickly. Then we split into two teams. Two of us would do the installation, and one would handle the advertising. Doing it this way, we'd get about an average of 15-20 dishes done in a day. I told the other practitioners that we had installed many dishes and people were watching a righteous TV channel – we saved many lives!

One day when I got home, I thought to myself that there were udumbara flowers blooming in the plant pot. I looked and they were indeed there. I know that Master was encouraging me.

Before we went out to install the dishes, we would first send righteous thoughts to to ensure we were in the best condition. Sometimes we recited Master's scriptures.

NTDTV's method of clarifying the truth is very effective. And now people who have learned the truth help tell others about NTDTV. Some of them even come to my house to request an installation. Now we not only advertise it locally, we even go to a neighboring district to advertise it.

Making programs, renting satellites, and teaching information about technology are all skills the cultivators outside of China taught us. What's left for us in China is to pass it along.