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Jing County on Alert during Illegal Trial of Innocent Farm Woman (Photos)

May 3, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hebei Province

(Minghui.org) Officials from the Jing County government, townships and villages were present at the trial of a Falun Gong practitioner in the Hengshui City Court. The authorities had dispatched the police force of the entire county, which blocked the roads in front of the courthouse – all because of the illegal trial of an innocent farm woman.

Police officers and agents from the Jing County 610 Office

Strong police presence in front of the Jing County Courthouse

Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ge Xiuli was unlawfully tried at the Jing County Court in Hengshui City, Hebei Province, on April 1, 2014. Her fellow villagers knew that she had done nothing wrong and were upset about her arrest. 897 people signed the petition demanding her release. Their courageous action shook the local officials.

897 people signed the petition calling for Ms. Ge's release

On the day of the trial, the Jing County authorities set up roadblocks and had police cars lined up in front of the courthouse. Hengshui City dispatched 20 special force police. Jing County dispatched 80 police officers and another team of special armed police. Several plainclothes officers were there too, some with cameras. Deputy chief of the Jing County Police Department, Zhang Qingchang was the commander for the day's activities.

The Jing County Court postponed all other trials scheduled for the day and all court personnel were on call at their offices.

The trial judge prevented one of Ms. Ge's lawyers from attending the trial. Only Ms. Ge's husband, her son, one lawyer and three other relatives were allowed into the courtroom. The lawyer entered a not-guilty plea for Ms. Ge. The trial was adjourned without a ruling on the case.

Ms. Ge was illegally arrested on September 13, 2013, and has been detained at the Hengshui Detention Center since then.

Earlier report: Innocent Woman Detained—Fellow Villagers Step Forward to Sign Petition Calling for Her Release