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Ms. Huang Wenqin and Ms. Zhang Meiying from Jiangsu Province Secretly Sentenced

May 5, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Jiangsu Province, China

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Huang Wenqin and Ms. Zhang Meiying from Liyang City (a county level city) in Changzhou City were secretly sentenced to prison, Ms. Huang to four years and Ms. Zhang to three.

Ms. Huang developed symptoms of uremic poisoning, hyperthyroidism, hypertension, and anemia as a result of abuse. She was released and allowed to go home. Ms. Zhang became very pale and lost a lot of weight.

Arrested and Tortured

On November 8, 2013, Ms. Huang and Ms. Zhang were followed and arrested by officers from Chengzhong Police Station in Liyang City. Their homes were ransacked, and the two were taken to the station. Team leader Wang Haima and Cai Jin of the Domestic Security Division in Liyang City interrogated them and took them to Changzhou City Detention Center the following day.

In the detention center, police officers Zhang Zhuyin and Xie Chen, director Wan and deputy director put shackles on Ms. Huang and tied her to a board. She was tortured, beaten, and dragged on the ground by her hair.

Torture Re-enactment: Beating

Shortly before their April 3, 2014, trial, court vice president Wen Jianmei and presiding judge Zhang Li made a special trip to the Changzhou City Military 102 Hospital to threaten Ms. Huang. They warned her not to protest in the courtroom and not to reveal how she had been abused. Otherwise, they would continue to detain and persecute her.

Around 10 a.m. on April 4, 2014, three police vehicles and one ambulance took Ms. Huang, who was hospitalized and in critical condition at the time, to the Liyang Courthouse for a secret trial. The courthouse was cordoned off, and Ms. Huang’s family wasn't allowed to attend. Her husband and son were sent to Changzhou Detention Center. Only Ms. Zhang’s sister and her husband were allowed to sit in the gallery. The courtroom was full of plainclothes officers.

Ms. Zhang's defense attorney pleaded not guilty on her behalf. Attorney Li Changming noted that the law does not say Falun Gong is a cult. The Ministry of Civil Affairs provision banning the Falun Dafa Association did not say that Falun Gong was banned because it was a cult. The Ministry of Public Security listed seven cults. The Central Committee and State Council also listed another seven cults, for a total 14. Falun Gong was not on either list.

Zhang Li, the prosecutor, interrupted Ms. Huang’s defense several times. He didn’t allow her to mention “Falun Gong.” Ms. Huang asked the presiding judge to read an informational brochure about Falun Gong, but Zhang Li interrupted her many times and didn’t allow her to talk about Falun Gong.

Liyang Court eventually bowed to orders given by the 610 Office and Political and Legal Affairs Committee in Liyang City and sentenced the innocent practitioners.

Ms. Huang, 46, is employed as a head pharmacist. She began her practice of Falun Gong in June 1999. Within less than two weeks, all her ailments disappeared. She had been suffering with heart disease, insomnia, gastric inflammation, headache, back pain, and health problems. Not only did she regain her health, she also became much kinder and more honest.

Since the CCP started to persecute Falun Gong in July, 1999, Ms. Huang has been persecuted many times. She was arrested and sentenced to forced labor in July, 2010.

Partial List of Parties Involved in Persecuting Ms. Huang and Ms. Zhang: Li Yongfang (李永芳), director of Liyang City Police Department and 610 Office: +86-13906145202 (Cell) Wu Xuhui (吴旭辉), director of Stability Maintenance Office Zhou Hefu (周和福), deputy director of Liyang City 610 Office: +86-13906145024 (Cell) Shao Qinhua (邵钦华), secretary of Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-13906140222 (Cell) Wang Haima (王海马), team leader of Liyang Domestic Security Division: +86-13906141208 (Cell), 86-18961481208 (Cell) Wen Jianmei (温建美), vice president of Liyang Court: +86-519-87035811 Zhang Li (张俪), presiding judge of Liyang Court: +86-519-87035811