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Mr. Peng Shigui and Mr. Zhou Dulun Tried a Second Time by Shapingba District Court in Chongqing

June 6, 2014 |   By a Minghui Correspondent in Chongqing, China

(Minghui.org) The Shapingba Court in Chongqing tried Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Peng Shigui for a second time on May 7, 2014, without publicly announcing the trial. On the trial date, the electronic display in front of the court's entrance displayed information about other trial sessions, but no information about Mr. Peng's trial was included.

The seat for the presiding judge was empty during the entire trial. There was only one male and one female juror sitting in the judgment seats. A male judge brought in two boxes of materials taken from Mr. Peng's home. The court personnel stated, “If there are 300 or more discs, he will be sentenced.”

Mr. Peng demanded that the court play the truth-clarification disc. However, several computers and disc players in the court could not play the disc.

Mr. Peng's attorney pleaded not-guilty for Mr. Peng, and pointed out that in China cultivating Falun Gong is legal. After two hours, the judge adjourned the trial.

Before the open session of the trial, a few dozen practitioners were present near the courthouse. There were also over a dozen undercover police officers monitoring practitioners by taking pictures and checking their IDs.

Four elderly practitioners, Luo Piping, Xiong Yinsu, Zhang Xu, and Zeng Zhijun, were arrested outside the court. Luo Piping and Xiong Yinsu were taken to Tianxin Police Station and then sent home by the 610 Office. It is unknown where the two other practitioners were taken.

Mr. Peng's mother was sick, and has called for her son day and night. She has been taken to a nursing home, and her health has worsened. She no longer recognizes her family members.

Mr. Peng's sister, Ms. Peng Shibi, 62, was arrested for speaking to people about Falun Gong on January 26, 2013. She was later sent to a labor camp, and is now detained in Chongqing Women's Prison.

Related articles:Practitioner's Attorney Argues: "It Is Not Against the Law to Practice Falun Gong"Brother and Sister Detained in ChongqingSister and Brother Detained, Sick Elderly Mother Left on Her Own

Mr. Zhou Dulun's Trial Postponed

The court originally planned to try Mr. Zhou Dulun for a second time on May 15, 2014. The court notified Mr. Zhou's attorney on May 12 that the trial had been postponed, and that the new trial date had not yet been determined.

Mr. Zhou was illegally arrested by police on September 6, 2013, when Mr. Zhou was trying to post posters reading, “Falun Dafa is Good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Good” on utility poles.

Police used Mr. Zhou's key to open his home on September 7, 2013. They confiscated Master Li's portrait (the founder of Falun Gong), books, and other personal belongings. He was taken to the Geleshan Brainwashing Center, and then to the Baiheling Detention Center in Shapingba District. Mr. Zhou was tried in Shapingba Court on January 25, 2014. His attorney plead not-guilty for him and demanded that the court release him.

Related article:Judge Cuts Short Attorney's Defense During Mr. Zhou Dulun's Trial

Contact Information for Related Personnel:Shapingba District Court: +86-23-65483205Chen Jiangyu (陈江渝), head of Shapingba Police Department: +86-23-63755190Gong Wang (龚旺), director of Shapingba District Politics and Law Committee: +86-23-61706130Chen Hong (陈宏), prosecutor from Shapingba District Procuratorate: +86-23-65315961