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Teacher Xu Ying Persecuted in Qiqihar Brainwashing Center

June 6, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Xu Ying, a teacher from Zirong Elementary School in Hailin, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province, was taken to the Qiqihar Brainwashing Center on April 16, 2014, where she was slapped until her face became swollen. Beginning on May 1 she was not allowed to sleep, and was shackled to a chair every day and forced to look at things denouncing Falun Dafa.

Arrested and Transferred Three Times

Ms. Xu was arrested at work on March 17, 2014 by agents from the Domestic Security Division of the police department in Hailin. She was detained at the Hailin Police Station and pressured to write a statement denouncing Falun Gong. She was told that she could go home if she wrote it, and that no further action would be taken. Ms. Xu refused. That very afternoon, she was transferred to the Hailin Forestry Detention Center.

Torture reenactment: Iron chair

Team leader Ding Yuhua from the Hailin Domestic Security Division, along with personnel from the 610 Office and the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, pressured the principal of Ms. Xu's school, trying again to force her to write the statement or face the threat of losing her job. She was also ordered to hand in her last release warrant from the forced labor camp, but she refused.

After 30 days, on April 16, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel designated Sun Fuchun, principal of her school, to send her to the Qiqihar Brainwashing Center.

After Chinese lawyers and outraged citizens forced the closure of the Qinglongshan Brainwashing Center in Jiansanjiang, Heilongjiang Province, the employees escaped to Yushutun in Qiqihar to start another brainwashing center, where they continue to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, hiding behind a sign that reads, "Qiqihar Compulsory Detoxification Center." The principle person in charge of the brainwashing center is He Xixiang, head of the 610 Office, and Zhang Zhijie, a former leader of the Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp in Qiqihar. Gu Songhai, head of the 610 Office in Heilongjiang Province, is their superior.

According to Item 5, Article 8 in Legislation Law, and Item 2, Article 9 in Administrative Punishment Law, forcible measures and punishment to restrain personal freedom should only be set by law. It is illegal to restrain or deprive a person of personal freedom, freedom of expression, or belief. It is therefore illegal to persecute Falun Gong practitioners either mentally or physically, or to force or threaten them to give up their belief and cultivation. The brainwashing center is a prison privately established by the 610 Office of the CCP.

Detaining Ms. Xu or to depriving her of her freedom is illegal. Those responsible should be charged accordingly based on Article 238 of the Criminal Law.

Previous Arrest

Ms. Xu started practicing Falun Gong after the persecution began. She was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor in October 2012. In Qianjin Forced Labor Camp in Harbin, she was forced to sit on an iron chair and was deprived of sleep. She was detained past the end of her sentence and finally released on August 17, 2013.

Parties Involved in Persecuting Ms. Xu:
Wen Cheng (温成), deputy director in police department in Hailin, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province: +86-13351139888 (Cell)
Ding Yuhua (丁玉华), team leader of Domestic Security Division: +86-453-7336551 (Office), +86-13199335299 (Cell)Sun Fuchun (孙福春), principal in Ms. Xu's school

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