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Additional Persecution News from China – July 12, 2014 (14 Reports)

July 20, 2014

(Minghui.org) Today's news from mainland China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 12 cities or counties in 8 provinces. According to this report, 8 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 17 practitioners were illegally arrested.

1. [Chongqing] Ms. Wang Aihua Arrested
2. [Pingliang City, Gansu Province] Ms. Ren Liqin Arrested
3. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Ning Chunyan Detained
4. [Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Yang Yan Harassed
5. [Chongqing] Mr. Huang Ming Taken to a Brainwashing Center
6. [Zunhua City, Hebei Province] Two Practitioners Arrested and Subjected to Extortion
7. [Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Song Guixiang Detained
8. [Jianping County, Liaoning Province] Three Practitioners Tortured
9. [Pingtan County, Fujian Province] Ms. Qiu Sanmei Arrested
10. [Dazhu County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Hu Shiqiong Arrested
11. [Chongqing] Ms. Yu Sufen's Home Ransacked
12. [Linqing City, Shandong Province] Two Practitioners Harassed
13. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners Arrested
14. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Four Practitioners Detained

1. [Chongqing] Ms. Wang Aihua Arrested

Ms. Wang Aihua was arrested on June 2, 2014. The police ransacked her home on the afternoon of June 9, 2014 and confiscated a computer, printer, Falun Gong books, and informational materials about the persecution of Falun Gong.

2. [Pingliang City, Gansu Province] Ms. Ren Liqin Arrested

Ms. Ren Liqin was arrested and taken to the Pingliang City Police Department on the afternoon of May 29, 2014 for distributing Shen Yun Performing Arts DVDs. She was searched at the police department.

Police officers, including Zhang Jianguo from the Domestic Security Division, ransacked her home that evening and confiscated a picture of the founder of Falun Gong, two volumes of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Gong, calendars, desktop calendars, and a laptop computer. Ms. Ren was released the next day, but not before the police extorted 1,000 yuan from her son.

3. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Ning Chunyan Detained

Ms. Ning Chunyan was arrested by Shuishiying Police Station officers on the afternoon of July 8, 2014, for talking to people about the persecution of Falun Gong. She was taken to the Dalian City Addiction Treatment Center that evening, to be held for seven days.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Ning:Zhu Yongjun (朱拥军), director of the Shuishiying Police Station: +86- +86-411-86235366, +86-13130036188, +86-411-86634888Sun Ji (孙吉), instructor: +86-411-86233142, +86-15604268818, +86-411-86360490Song Chengli (宋成利), deputy director: +86-411-86233142, +86-15604266577, +86-411-86632699

4. [Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Yang Yan Harassed

Ms. Yang Yan was harassed at home by four officers, including deputy captain Yu Haiying from the Mishan City Domestic Security Division on July 9, 2014. She had to leave home to avoid further persecution.

Yu Haiying also confiscated Falun Gong books from another practitioner.

Party involved in persecuting Ms. Yang:Yu Haiying (玉海颖), deputy captain of the Domestic Security Division: +86-138336522819, +86-13836516222, +86-467-5220366, +86-467-5296819

5. [Chongqing] Mr. Huang Ming Taken to a Brainwashing Center

Li Dangqi, Yinglong Town Police Station officer, broke into Mr. Huang Ming's home and confiscated Falun Gong books, lectures, and other materials on June 4, 2014, and left the front door open. Mr. Huang was arrested and taken to the Geleshan Brainwashing Center on the morning of July 3, 2014.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Huang:Wang (王某), director of the Nanan District 610 Office: +86-13983782261Liu Weiliang (刘伟亮), director of the Yinglong Town 610 Office: +86-15922596001Li Dangqi (李党旗), officer from the Yinglong Town Police Station: +86-13628263895, +86-13628263875

6. [Zunhua City, Hebei Province] Two Practitioners Arrested and Subjected to Extortion

Ms. Wang Yumin and Ms. Xiufen were arrested by officers from the Domestic Security Division in Zunhua City on the morning of July 11, 2014. The police confiscated personal items and took them to the Dongjiuzhai Police Station. They were then transferred to the Zunhua Police Department. Ms. Wang and Ms. Xiufen were released after the police extorted 20,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan respectively, from their families.

Parties involved in the persecution:Dong Guofeng (董国峰), officer from the Domestic Security Division: +86-13832986971Zhang Zhimin (张志民), officer from the Domestic Security Division: +86-13832982419Zunhua City 610 Office: +86-315-6659879Zhang Xiucheng (张秀成), director of the Zunhua City 610 Office: +86-13603376555, +86-315-6681078Wang Jiguo (王继国), director of the Zunhua City Brainwashing Center: +86-13603256214, +86-315-6618184

7. [Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Song Guixiang Detained

Ms. Song Guixiang was arrested by officers from the Railway Police Station on the afternoon of July 5, 2014, for talking to people about the persecution of Falun Gong. The police ransacked her home that evening. She is still being detained.

8. [Jianping County, Liaoning Province] Three Practitioners Tortured

Ms. Xu Shuzhi, Ms. Zhang Minfang, and Ms. Zhang Xiaolan were transferred to the Chaoyang City Detention Center on the morning of July 11, 2014.

9. [Pingtan County, Fujian Province] Ms. Qiu Sanmei Arrested

Ms. Qiu Sanmei was arrested by local police station officers on June 25, 2014, for distributing informational materials about the persecution of Falun Gong. She was later taken to the local detention center for a 15-day detention. Her family went to the detention center to take her home, but were told that she had been transferred to the local detention center.

10. [Dazhu County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Hu Shiqiong Arrested

Ms. Hu Shiqiong's home was ransacked by a dozen officers from Dazhu County on the evening of July 10, 2014. The police confiscated a computer and printer. She was arrested and taken to the Dazhu County Detention Center on the afternoon of July 11, 2014.

11. [Chongqing] Ms. Yu Sufen's Home Ransacked

Ms. Yu Sufen's home was ransacked by officers, including Liang Shibin from the Jiangbei District 610 Office on July 10, 2014. The police confiscated informational materials about the persecution of Falun Gong, a computer, a printer, Falun Gong books, and a picture of the founder of Falun Gong. Ms. Yu was at home at the time and was ordered to not leave her home.

12. [Linqing City, Shandong Province] Two Practitioners Harassed

Ms. Zhang Yuchun and Mr. Ma Shaojie were harassed at home by officers including Liu Pinglu from the Linqing City Domestic Security Division. Their homes were ransacked.

Parties involved in persecuting the two practitioners:Wang Zhigang (王志刚), director of the Linqing City Police Department: +86-13706358638Yuan Jiakun (袁家坤), deputy director: +86-635-2322830, +86-13806352981Zhang Wenxing (张文兴), deputy director: +86-635-2322852, +86-13606352986Fan Haitao (范海涛), captain of the Domestic Security Division: +86-635-2327109, +86-13563042777

13. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Bai Jiurong was arrested by Shennan Police Station officers on the morning of July 11, 2014. The police ransacked his home. Three other practitioners including Ms. Wang Liyan were also arrested.

Parties involved in persecuting the four practitioners:Jia Haijun (贾海军), secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-412-6636699, +86-13304128800Liu Jinying (刘金英), director of the Comprehensive Management Office: +86-412-6629233, +86-13941207901Zhao Lijun (赵立军), captain of the Domestic Security Division: +86-412-6632635, +86-15842267555, +86-13214128555

14. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Four Practitioners Detained

Mr. Zhang Huaming and his non-practitioner wife were arrested by officers from the Hengshan Police Station on the evening of July 8, 2014. The police ransacked his home and confiscated a laptop computer, two printers, and Falun Gong books. His wife was released on July 9, 2014.

Mr. Zhang Ning, Mr. Zhang Pingan, and Ms. Wa Jianlan and her husband were arrested and their homes were ransacked.

Mr. Zhang Huaming, Mr. Zhang Ning, Mr. Zhang Anping, and Ms. Wa Jianlan are being held at the Yongxing Town Detention Center in Suining City.

Parties involved in persecuting these practitioners:Shen Jianbo (申剑波), captain of the Domestic Security Division: +86-13909060886Luo Yunjiang (罗运强), director of the Hengshan Police Station: +86-13882587744Zeng Zhijian (曾志坚), officer from the Hengshan Town 610 Office: +86-15982500601Song Jiyun (宋吉运), officer from the Hengshan Town 610 Office: +86-13518369995