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Ms. Su Peiqin Accosted and Arrested at Suzhou Train Station

July 21, 2014

(Minghui.org) Ms. Su Peiqin planned to take the train to visit her son and grandchild who live in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. She went to Suzhou Train Station in Jiangsu Province at around 3 p.m. on May 21, 2014, and sat in the waiting room. Suddenly, three men accosted her from behind and took her bag.

Startled, Ms. Su exclaimed: “How dare you snatch my bag? Who do you think you are?”

Without a word, the men dragged her into a security room and searched her. They opened her luggage, and rummaged through it. They took her radio and nine 5-yuan bills that had truth-clarifying phrases written on them. They did not show any ID or official documents as they did this, and they never gave Ms. Su a receipt for the items they took.

Ms. Su demanded: “How can you treat an elderly lady like this? You are committing a crime. Who are you?”

One of the men then shouted, “Where did you get this radio and the bills with this writing on them?”

Ms. Su replied, “Is there anything wrong with the radio? Why don't you turn it on and listen for yourselves? It broadcasts Chinese traditional culture and teaches people to be good. Why don't you listen?”

Two hours later, the men took Ms. Su to the Yangshan Police Station and continued to interrogate her. They deprived her of sleep, food and water.

Ms. Su told a policewoman the next day that she had been held there a whole day without food or water.

The policewoman said: “I don't want to hear your complaints! Just get over there and be quiet!”

Ms. Su took this opportunity to tell the policewoman about Falun Gong and the persecution. She said: “Falun Gong has spread to over one hundred countries around the world. Practitioners live according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Why is it wrong for a person to want to be good? You are committing a crime by persecuting good people. Justice will prevail—it is heaven's law. I hope you won't be a victim of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).”

The following day, at around midnight, the police tried to make Ms. Su sign a document they had prepared, but she refused. They assaulted her and forced her to give her fingerprint. She was released that night.