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Language Teacher Undergoes Another Illegal Trial After Ten Years in Prison

July 3, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) “Simply for upholding my belief in the universal values of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, I have been imprisoned for ten years, starting in the year 2000,” testified Ms. Wang Yusi as she was yet again put on trial on June 24, 2014 by the Xigang District Court, Dalian City. She continued, “My family was broken apart as a result of this. My daughter was only three years old at that time. This is my second arrest. My mom passed away due to police harassment.”

During the trial, which lasted four hours, her two lawyers defended her innocence on the basis of the law and basic morality. They pointed out, “It is not against the law to practice Falun Gong. The list of cults announced by the Ministry of Public Security does not include Falun Gong. It's like confusing one thing with another in order to sentence practitioners based on Article 300 of the criminal law, which states 'using a heretical organization to undermine the implementation of law'. There is no legislative authority to sentence Falun Gong practitioners.”

Finally, the lawyers beseeched the court officials, “Immediately release Ms. Wang Yusi unconditionally and adhere to the law.” However, the trial was adjourned and dismissed without a declaration of a verdict.

Chinese officials had mobilized police officers to keep watch during this trial. They removed the license plates of their cars.to avoid being identified by the public. Many plainclothes police officers patrolled outside of the court and took pictures of Falun Gong practitioners who had come to support Ms. Wang Yusi.

Imprisoned for 10 Years, Family Torn Apart

Ms. Wang Yusi graduated from the Foreign Language Institute in Dalian. She was sentenced to ten years in prison for refusing to renounce her faith in Falun Gong. She was imprisoned in Shenyang Dabei Prison, where she suffered inhumane torture. The Chinese authorities put her husband under pressure and forced him to divorce her. Their once happy family was broken apart.

After she was released from prison, she worked as an English tutor and made a good name for herself for her outstanding teaching and reasonable fees.

Arrested Again

At approximately 7:00 pm on August 29, 2013, more than 20 policemen, including Wang Guojiang and Wang Xiliang, from Dalian Domestic Security Division, broke into her house and arrested her. They took her to a brainwashing center (originally the Dalian Forced Labor Camp). Four months later, on December 25, 2013, the police transferred her to the Dalian Detention Center.

Officers Wang Guojiang and Wang Xiliang deceived Ms. Wang's daughter repeatedly, promising to release her mom soon.

Meanwhile, they also arrested Ms. Wang's mom and took her to the Dalian Rehabilitation Center. They detained her there for five days. As a result, her mom fell ill with a high fever and was bedridden. She passed away at 4:00 a.m. on March 15, 2014.

Ms. Wang's father pleaded with Wang Xiliang and Wang Guojiang to allow Ms. Wang to go home and see her mom, who was seriously ill, but Wang Xiliang refused.