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Additional Persecution News from China – June 27, 2014 (17 Reports)

July 9, 2014

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 17 cities or counties in 9 provinces. According to this report, 15 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 11 practitioners were illegally arrested.

1. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Wang Liping Facing Trial
2. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Chen Ruyun Arrested
3. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Lu Xueqin and Ms. Yuan Shaohua Facing Trial
4. [Emeishan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Liu Fengxia and Her Husband Detained
5. [Wusu City, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region] Three Practitioners Facing Trial
6. [Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Hong Jiejing Arrested on June 26, 2014
7. [Pengshan County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Chen Shujun, 66, Held in Meishan Detention Center
8. [Boxing County, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Yuzhen Detained
9. [Jining City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Yu Being Held in Jining Detention Center
10. [Tianjin] Ms. Huang Zunling Detained
11. [Wenling City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Ye Lingling and Ms. Sun Juqing Arrested
12. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Ms. Luo Xizhen Arrested
13. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Han Guilan and Ms. Cao Lanwen Detained
14. [Changtu County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Du Changyin Facing Trial
15. [Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Qi Junling Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
16. [Yueyang, Hunan Province] Two Elderly Women Detained
17. [Leshan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Song Guizhi Sentenced to 3-½ Years in Prison

1. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Wang Liping Facing Trial

Mr. Wang Liping, from the Qingan Primary School in Gaoxin District, is scheduled to be tried in No. 4 Criminal Tribunal of Gaoxin Court on the morning of July 1, 2014.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Wang:Luo Weimin (罗为民), judge: +86-28-85310776Li Guodong (李国栋) and Zhang Qisheng (张奇圣), both public prosecutors: +86-28-85310513

2. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Chen Ruyun Arrested

Ms. Chen Ruyun was arrested by officers from the Huanghuagang Police Station on the afternoon of June 25, 2014, for distributing software for circumventing the Internet firewall of China. She was released the next morning.

3. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Lu Xueqin and Ms. Yuan Shaohua Facing Trial

Ms. Lu Xueqin and Ms. Yuan Shaohua will be tried on July 3, 2014.

Parties involved in persecuting them:Guo Hongwei (郭洪伟), court president: +86-532-88691178Tian Jiang (田江), presiding judge: +86-532-88691532Wang Ge (王戈), judge: +86-532-88691190

4. [Emeishan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Liu Fengxia and Her Husband Detained

Ms. Liu Fengxia from Fuxi Town was arrested on June 23, 2014, for explaining the facts about Falun Gong in Chuanzhu Township. Her husband, who was with her, was also arrested. They are being held in the Emeishan Detention Center, and family visits are not allowed.

Agents from the Chuanzhu Township government and 610 Office ransacked Ms. Liu's home and confiscated a laptop computer and cash with messages about Falun Gong written on them. Ms. Liu's daughter and son-in-law was also taken away. The daughter and son-in-law have been released.

Partied involved in persecuting them:Chuanzhu Township government: +86-833-5551043610 Office: +86-833-5543642

5. [Wusu City, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region] Three Practitioners Facing Trial

Ms. Ma Chengying, Mr. Zhang Chengjun, and Mr. Yang Wanjun will be tried on the morning of June 28, 2014.

6. [Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Hong Jiejing Arrested on June 26, 2014

7. [Pengshan County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Chen Shujun, 66, Held in Meishan Detention Center

8. [Boxing County, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Yuzhen Detained

Officers from the Huantai County Police Department arrested Ms. Zhang Yuzhen from Boxing County. She is being held in the Huantai Detention Center.

Party involved in persecuting her:A person in charge at the Huantai County Police Department: +86-13989502666

9. [Jining City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Yu Held in Jining Detention Center

10. [Tianjin] Ms. Huang Zunling Detained

Officers from the Wangqingtuo Police Station and the Wuqing Domestic Security Division arrested Ms. Huang Zunling and her son Changqing at their home on the afternoon of June 25, 2014. Changqing was released that evening. Ms. Huang was taken to a hospital for a physical examination against her will. She was then taken to the Wuqing Detention Center.

11. [Wenling City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Ye Lingling and Ms. Sun Juqing Arrested

Ms. Ye Lingling, 59, was arrested at home on the morning of June 26, 2014. Her home was ransacked and she is being held in the Taiping Police Station.

Ms. Sun Juqing, in her seventies, was arrested while outside. Her whereabouts are unknown.

12. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Ms. Luo Xizhen Arrested

Ms. Luo Xizhen was arrested for distributing Shen Yun Performing Arts DVDs on the afternoon of June 26, 2014. Officers ransacked her home that evening.

Parties from Longquan Police Station involved in persecuting Ms. Luo:Wang Liang (王良), director: +86-13904450990Liu Yang (刘洋), political instructor: +86-13804450910Yin Yong (尹勇), deputy director: +86-13944599909

13. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Han Guilan and Ms. Cao Lanwen Detained

Ms. Han Guilan and Ms. Cao Lanwen from Fengnan District were taken to the Fengnan Detention Center on June 25, 2014, for distributing informational materials about Falun Gong in Tangfang Town.

14. [Changtu County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Du Changyin Facing Trial

Mr. Du Changyin was working in Shenyang City where he was arrested on the evening of March 19, 2014, and was held in the Heping District Detention Center. A warrant for his arrest was issued on April 22 or 23, and he was transferred to the Huanggu District Detention Center for a trial on June 16.

15. [Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Qi Junling Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

An arrest warrant was issued for Ms. Qi Junling in December 2013. The Yunhe District Court authorities sentenced her to three years in prison. She is still being held in the Cangzhou Detention Center.

Parties from the 610 Office who are involved in persecuting Ms. Qi:Peng Lijun (彭李军), director: +86-13932729866, +86-317-2051868, +86-317-2160039Song Guofeng (宋国峰), deputy director: +86-317-2160416, +86-317-8988065, +86-13503270567Li Dong (李冬): +86-317-2160356, +86-317-2052179, +86-13833769001

16. [Yueyang, Hunan Province] Two Elderly Women Detained

Ms. Mei Huaying, in her eighties, and Ms. Dai Chunmei, in her seventies, were found posting messages about Falun Gong on utility poles by community security director Yang Wenhao on the morning of June 6, 2014. Yang stopped and forcibly searched them. He confiscated two Shen Yun Performing Arts DVDs, several informational brochures, stickers with messages about Falun Gong, and other items. Yang called the Qianlianghu Police Station to have the two elderlies taken to the station for interrogation. Yang also directed six or seven officers to Ms. Dai's home. They confiscated a photo of the founder of Falun Gong, a drawing of the Falun symbol and a drawing of the three Chinese characters of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

17. [Leshan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Song Guizhi Sentenced to 3-½ Years in Prison

Ms. Song Guizhi, 66, from Guanying Town, Wutongqiao District, along with two other elderlies, were arrested for talking about Falun Gong in Shilin Town on the morning of June 27, 2013. The police released and took them home to ransack their house. They confiscated audio lectures and copies of publications by Falun Gong's founder Mr. Li Hongzhi.

The police have continued to harass the women and their families.

Ms. Song was arrested again during a family party on September 14, 2013. She was sentenced to 3-½ years in prison, and is being held in the Longquanyi Prison in Chengdu City.