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64-Year-Old Ms. Zheng Cuilan from Kunming City Illegally Arrested for the Second Time

Aug. 28, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Yunnan Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Zheng Cuilan, 64, was arrested on July 30, 2014. Her family is being denied their right to visit her. Police tried to pressure her into writing a guarantee statement to stop practicing Falun Dafa, but she refused.

Ms. Zheng was seen handing out Shen Yun DVDs at Longtou Street Farmer’s Market in Kunming City. She was arrested and taken to the Longtou Street Police Station. They found a dozen Shen Yun DVDs in her bag.

When officers went to search Ms. Zheng's house, they failed to find any “evidence.” They also found nothing after searching her son’s home. Ms. Zheng was later taken to Kunming No. 1 Detention Center.

This is the second time Ms. Zheng has been arrested.

Force-fed in Detention Center

Ms. Zheng was first arrested on April 21, 2004, and taken to the Ciba Police Station. A police officer overheard her talking to a farmer selling vegetables at the market. She told the farmer not to believe in the Communist Party’s lies and told him about Falun Gong.

Wang Hongbin, Huang Zhongping and three other officers searched Ms. Zheng’s house that afternoon. After hours of searching, they left with Ms. Zheng’s meditation mat and over 30 Falun Gong flyers.

Ms. Zheng was taken to the Kunming No. 2 Detention Center, where they tried to forcibly put her fingerprints on their paperwork. Ms. Zheng tried to resist. Her hand was injured and later became swollen. To protest the abuse, she went on a hunger strike that lasted two weeks. During that time, she was force-fed with liquids and salt water. She was also dragged across the floor and covered in bruises.

Three Years of Forced Labor

The police had Ms. Zheng sentenced to the Yunnan Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp for three years on May 20, 2004. As soon as she arrived at the camp, she began a hunger strike, which lasted for four days. She was severely punished for this, and spent four months in a small solitary cell of approximately nine square meters. Three inmates took turns monitoring her around the clock.

Ms. Zheng was later moved to a “transformation class” and forced to undergo brainwashing. After seeing that they could not get her to renounce her belief in Falun Gong, they put her back in solitary confinement for three weeks. She was then forced to do needlework and make zippers from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m., sometimes until after midnight.

Ms. Zheng’s husband, also a Falun Gong practitioner, was denied visitation rights.

In October 2006, Ms. Zheng had a high fever for several days. Her temperature exceeded 40oC (104oF). She also had blood in her urine. Her family was able to send her to a hospital, but guards from the labor camp took her back two months later.

Forced Labor Term Extended

A man named Cai Chaodong went to the labor camp to talk to Ms. Zheng between March and April 2005, in an attempt to get her to renounce her belief. When he started to badmouth Falun Gong Ms. Zheng openly said: “Falun Dafa is good; Falun Dafa is righteous.” To punish her, her sentence was extended by 52 days.

Ms. Zheng was released from the labor camp on June 12, 2007.

Employer and Community Personnel Continue to Harass Ms. Zheng

Ms. Zheng is a retiree from the Yunnan Province Second Construction Company. After she began practicing Falun Gong in May 1997, her long-term illnesses, such as cholecystitis and hepatoptosis, disappeared. She was no longer hot tempered, and became kind and gentle.

Security staff from the construction company went to visit Ms. Zheng's home on July 17, 1999, and pressured her to stop practicing Falun Gong in groups or in any outdoor places. A member of the security staff and the retiree affairs office manager Yin Ruzuo went to her house again after July 20 and demanded that she stop practicing Falun Gong. Ms. Zheng said to them: “Falun Gong is righteous. This will become clear one day. I will continue practicing Falun Gong as long as I live.”

People from Ms. Zheng's former employer, the retiree affairs office and the residential community have been harassing her at home for years. They include security staff Mr. Hu and residential committee member Xiong Fuzhen.

Parties Responsible for the Persecution:Panlong Police Department: +86-871-63387874Panlong Domestic Security Division: +86-871-3387952Kunming City No. 1 Detention Center: +86-871-68159037Longtou Street Police Station: +86-871-65891409, +86-871-65894539