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California: Raising Awareness at a Multicultural Festival in City of Elk Grove (Photo)

Aug. 28, 2014 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Sacramento, California

(Minghui.org) Local Falun Gong practitioners were invited for the third time to participate in the day-long annual Multicultural Festival held at Elk Grove Regional Park on August 23, 2014. More than 7,000 local and nearby residents turned out for the city's premier community-wide celebration of diversity.

Many festival goers were attracted by the practitioners' peaceful and gentle exercise demonstration, and some said they wished to learn the exercises. One group of non-profit organization members were thrilled when the practitioners agreed to come to their place and hold a free exercise instruction class for them.

Those who stopped by the practitioners' booth also learned about the brutal persecution that this peaceful practice endures in China, especially the Chinese Communist Party's state-sanctioned crime of forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. Many people took the informational materials and said that they would take the time to learn more about it.

Ami Bera, a physician who is also a U.S. Representative has a photo taken with a Falun Gong practitioner

U.S. Representative Ami Bera who lives in the city of Elk Grove, also participated in the festival. He warmly greeted Falun Gong practitioners when he passed by their booth.

Practitioners hoped that he could help stop the persecution, especially the forced organ harvesting atrocities. Congressman Ami told the practitioners that the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs recently endorsed H. Res. 281 condemning the forced organ harvesting in China.