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Compassionately Helping Fellow Practitioners and Others Is a Part of Validating the Fa

Aug. 28, 2014 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) After many years of cultivation, practitioners are fully aware of the importance of validating the Fa, and this is their priority. However, sometimes practitioners take this thinking to the extreme. On the surface they seem to take validating the Fa as their highest priority. Using this as an excuse, they fail to balance the relationship between themselves and non-practitioners, or family members, or even with practitioners who are stuck in tribulations. As a result they cannot validate the Fa well.

Occasionally fellow practitioners have strong human notions. In fact, those practitioners are not behaving like practitioners, and need our help and tolerance during this period. If we can do well in this aspect, a lot of problems can be avoided.

A fellow practitioner encountered a problem, it needed to be solved. He had been struggling with this particular problem for a long time. He sought help from his fellow practitioners. Other practitioners were able to see that the root cause of this practitioners problem was his attachment. He was too attached to this problem and having it solved. This became his highest priority, and everything else was put aside. Of course the stronger his attachment became, the more difficult it was to be solved. Fellow practitioners attempted to point this out to him, but he failed to listen. As a result, they gradually gave up on him and did not help him with his problem. He was not able to solve it himself, and so he was caught up in an endless struggle.

Later, he came to me and asked for my help. While helping him, I came to realize some of his problems. For instance, when it was time to send forth righteous thoughts, he was all too willing to skip it, and when he did do it, he could not stay focused. His mind was always attached to solving his problem. So I wondered what I should do. Should I just outright tell him what I thought his problem was? Others had already taken that approach, and it did not work whatsoever. That approach even caused him to have a bad opinion about other practitioners. We all know it is difficult to listen to others while going through a tribulation. But, if he did not look inward, if he was not able to change, his problem would never be solved. I wanted to help him, and not desert him like the others. He was stuck. If he were an ordinary friend, I would help him with a solution. How could I not help him as a fellow practitioner? I decided to stick with him and look for an opportunity to help him understand.

We sat down together and discussed the problem, going over various ways it could be solved. When we were done, we hadn't solved the problem yet, but he was very thankful. He mentioned that the other practitioners were only accusatory and would not really talk to him honestly about the problem. Only I had stuck with him on this. I took this opportunity to tell him that when fellow practitioners are having a difficulty, we should all help each other. Master wants us to help each other. What sets practitioners apart is that we truly look inward. Maybe everything we encounter is related to our attachments. Other practitioners' advice may not sound nice, but we should consider it. It might inspire us to find the solution. Because I took the time to talk to him and help him with solving his problem, he did not object to what I said at all. Instead he agreed with me.

His problem had still not been solved, so he came to me several times asking for advice. Although I was busy with other things, I felt it was my responsibility to always try and help him. I advised him and guided him. I noticed his attachment did not seem nearly as strong any more. One time he even said, “Let us forget about this for now. Maybe it will be okay tomorrow, sometimes things happen that way.” Although the issue was not resolved that day, it was improving. Finally the problem was solved. He was very happy. Along with the improvement in his understanding, his Xinxing also improved. I did spend some time to accompany him to solve the problem, but in fact, he took the initiative to help me several times with my things. So overall I didn't feel I had spent a lot of time on his problem. Our relationship became harmonious and now we cooperate better.

Before consummation, while we are cultivating, we will all experience shortcomings. When we have strong human notions, we are not behaving as cultivators. Why is it that some practitioners have good relationships with their family members, while others have tense family relationships? We cannot ignore our families or other non-practitioners with the excuse that we are making a priority of validating the Fa. Sometimes practitioners even force their opinions on non-practitioners, especially family members. This may discredit Dafa. As a practitioner, we should consider others' feelings and always be compassionate. Let those around us see us fulfill our responsibilities with compassion. With this foundation, it will be more effective to clarify the truth of Dafa to them, and our family members and friends would receive long-term, greater reward as a result.