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Wuhan Practitioner Detained for Five Months

Aug. 28, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Liu Zhenli, 39, a Falun Gong practitioner in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, was arrested on March 5, 2014.

She was detained at the Wuhan City No. 1 Detention Center for five months. The police have transferred her case to the Dongxihu District Procuratorate in Wuhan City.

The police threatened Ms. Liu's family and relatives. After she was arrested, her husband went to the Wujiashan Police Station in Wuhan. He asked officer Xu Hongzhe (police ID 036509) why Ms. Liu had been arrested. Xu said that she posted “counter-revolutionary” banners, violating Article 300 of the Criminal Law, which discusses undermining law enforcement. When Ms. Liu's husband asked which law she had undermined, Xu asked, “What is your relationship to her?”

Police obtained the arrest warrant for Ms. Liu on March 19. When Xu Hongzhe delivered the warrant to Ms. Liu's elder sister, she warned him that they should not persecute her sister. Xu's response was a threat: “Aren't you living on a pension?”

This is the third time that Ms. Liu has been arrested. She was previously arrested on June 8, 2011, and April 13, 2012.

Parties involved in the persecution of Ms. Liu Zhenli:Cao Bin (曹斌), head of the Dongxihu District 610 Office, Wuhan: +86-13329700482 (Cell), +86-27-83896941 (Office), +86-27-83892523 (Home)

Wujiashan Street Police Station:Gao Yi (高羿), director of the Wujiashan Street Police StationXu Hongzhe (徐洪喆), police officer in the Criminal Investigation Group: +86-15927525127 (Cell)

Further information about her prior arrest available at: http://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2014/3/15/145853.html