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Ms. Yu Daoping Arrested, Her Husband Harassed

Sept. 1, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Guangdong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Officers from the Yuehai Police Station in Shenzhen City arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Daoping at her home on the afternoon of July 15, 2014. They ransacked the place and confiscated her Falun Gong books, several cell phones, a computer and other personal belongings.

Shen Liguo from the Shekou Police Station later told Ms. Yu’s husband that he wanted back into their home, so he could film and document the contents of their home. He said that this was necessary because the items the police confiscated could not be used as evidence to charge Ms. Yu.

When Ms. Yu's husband refused, officer Shen threatened him. He told him that if he refused, they would take Ms. Yu back home in handcuffs and wearing a prison uniform, so that all of the neighbors could see that she had been arrested. He also threatened to ransack their home again.

Ms. Yu’s relatives went to the police station several times to ask for her release, but Shen Liguo refused. There were indiscreet suggestions that the exchange of money would help get her released.

Ms. Yu’s husband has mild schizophrenia. The harassment from Shen Liguo has made him physically ill. His friends advised him to take Shen to court. They also strongly urged the authorities to release Ms. Yu.

Ms. Yu and her husband have successful careers and well-educated children.

Officers from the Nanshan District began monitoring Ms. Yu after she started practicing Falun Gong. The police would often follow her car. In early July, she realized that there were plainclothes police stationed near her home.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Yu:Shekou Police Station: +86-0755-2668511, +86-0755-26816665 (Fax)Shen Liguo (沈礼国), officer from the Shekou Police Station: +86-0755-26816609, +86-13802280503, +86-0755-26700518Yuehai Police Station: +86-0755-26555250, +86-0755-26555816(Fax)