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Clarifying the Truth in a Detention Center

Sept. 1, 2014 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hunan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I was a military medical officer with the rank of colonel before I was transferred to work in a local county disease control center. I took the opportunity at the clinic to tell my patients and their family members the facts about Falun Dafa. I have been persecuted several times since the Chinese Communist Party started suppressing Falun Dafa. Later I worked as a prison doctor in a local detention center.

There were cameras everywhere and one iron door after another in the detention center. Yet I remembered that I am a Falun Dafa practitioner and I should clarify the truth wherever I am or whatever job I do. I took this opportunity to explain the facts in this special place, so that some of the guards and inmates understood the truth and withdrew from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

One guard didn't believe what I said when I told him about the persecution and how people were quitting the CCP. He said he believed in whoever gave him his wages. He stayed away from the truth. I looked within and found that my words didn't open up his heart. He was totally brainwashed by the CCP. In order to save him, I clarified the truth to him several times and gave him a copy of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and other Falun Dafa materials in the hope that he would choose a good future for himself.

One day several guards were talking about who would be the next vice president among several candidates. I said that none of them would be and told them who would be. They said that would be absolutely impossible. But it turned out that I was correct.

My colleagues and that guard asked me how I was able to make the right prediction. I said, “I didn't need to guess. You know the world is becoming more democratic, yet the CCP still holds on to its dictatorship and there are no human rights here. The power is in the hands of just a few people. They can kill or sabotage anyone at will. This voting just serves as a cover. People around the world are saying that Heaven will eliminate the CCP and that withdrawing from the CCP will keep people safe. Don't you want to be safe? Or do you prefer to be buried with the CCP? People all know that the CCP is evil. It will perish any day. For your own peace of mind, please quit the CCP.” This time the guard listened to me and asked me to help him quit.

I told the inmates how wonderful Falun Dafa is and asked them to remember the words, “Falun Dafa is good,” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Many inmates already knew that Falun Gong practitioners are good people and that the CCP is evil. When inmates learned the truth, they chose to quit the CCP.

There was a family of five, all of whom were incarcerated. Three of them were held at this detention center while the other two were held in another county's detention center. Their “crime” was that they opposed the unjust demolition of their home. One of the ladies had a heart attack and high blood pressure and was sent to see me at the clinic. I took the opportunity to clarify the truth to her.

One day she said, “I believe what you said. I used to think Falun Gong was against the government. But now I realize and understand how evil the CCP is.” I said, “It is not enough that you understand that. Nowadays people talk about Heaven eliminating the CCP and the importance of withdrawing from the CCP. Divine beings will bless you after you have quit. Just publish a statement to quit the CCP on the Epoch Times website.”

She said, “Since this is the case, who would still want to be a member of this evil gang? I would like to withdraw from the Party on behalf of my husband and my son. My two daughters and I didn't join the CCP or its affiliates.” I said, “They have to agree themselves.” She said, “I can make that decision for them.” Later I clarified the truth to her husband and their son, and they did quit the CCP. After they were released, they sent DVDs of the Nine Commentaries to friends and relatives and helped them quit as well. So far, dozens of their relatives and friends have withdrawn from the Party.

The detention center was a special place that held all sorts of people. One day the director of the transportation bureau of another county was detained here. I told him that the Tiananmen Square "self-immolation" was staged by the CCP, about the CCP's forced organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience, especially Falun Gong practitioners, and about the Nine Commentaries. I asked him to withdraw from the CCP. He asked me how. I told him to publish a statement at the Epoch Times website.

He said, “I will definitely withdraw from the CCP. Can you please help me to publish a statement on the Epoch Times website to quit the CCP? After I am released, I will ask my family members to withdraw from that evil organization.” He told me that local practitioners in his area had told him about the staged Tiananmen Square self-immolation and the organ harvesting. He said he didn't believe it at that time. He didn't believe that the CCP was that evil. He had a successful career at that time and didn't listen to the truth. But now he understood that Falun Dafa practitioners indeed were telling people the truth.

Many inmates learned the truth and withdrew from the CCP and its affiliates. They said that they would try to be good people and would not do any bad deeds after they were released. People still do bad deeds when they are not watched, though there are many laws. Only people who really understand that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good can become truly good people.