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Citizens in China's National Capital Region Support Signature Drive to Condemn the Persecution

Sept. 17, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in China

(Minghui.org) “I don't know what has happened in Tianjin these years. People's incomes and standard of living has not improved, and the economy has been bad, but the government doesn't spare any effort in cracking down on good people.

“I remember a Falun Gong practitioner with the name of Tang Jian. The man was arrested a few years ago. The police slapped his face 1,000 times. How could anyone be capable of doing that? Inhumane and ruthless!

“Today Tianjin is still the worst area when it comes to the persecution. If I had the power, I would first release all the good people. But now I can only support you by signing your petition.” A senior citizen shared the above as he signed his name to condemn the persecution of Falun Gong.

During July and August 2014, 232 signatures were collected from Beijing, Tianjin and Langfang (Hebei), China's national capital area, also known as Jing-Jin-Ji (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Province).

In an environment where people once dared not even whisper complaints about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), these 232 people spoke out in writing, not fearing the exposure of their identities, to demand an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.

Such courageous acts of support for Falun Gong have become a growing trend throughout China, as it seems the public has become aware of the facts and is no longer willing to stand by while innocent people are tortured and killed for their belief.

While the signature collection was taking place, the CCP was still arresting practitioners on a large scale, especially in Tianjin, Hebei Province, Shandong Province, Shanghai and Beijing. People became very upset upon learning about it, and said, “Look at those blind authorities. They continue to do evil!”

“With Jiang Zemin about to meet with justice for his wrongdoing soon, they remain ignorant and choose to follow the ill-fated CCP to the end.”

“The collapse of the CCP is inevitable. What goes around comes around! You should quit the Party to distance yourself from its wrongdoings. Be safe. And hurry!”

A young man raised both his hands shouting, “Falun Gong is good! Stop persecuting Falun Gong,” and signed the petition.

A middle aged man said, “I offer my support! I support Falun Gong. The CCP is clueless, corrupt and treats human life as if it were not worth a penny. I have observed many religions and none of them was good. However only Falun Gong is good, taking an upright path and its practitioners conduct is unblemished. I support Falun Gong's efforts to end the persecution.”

A middle aged woman said, “I will sign. Where should I sign? I have many relatives practicing Falun Gong. They are all good people. I support your efforts.”

A businessman said, “I heard about the petition. It's a good thing – peaceful and rational at the same time. It is time for the persecution to stop. Having persecuted Falun Gong with so much effort for more than a decade without any success, the CCP still doesn't understand that they must be acting against heaven's will. I support you.”

He further asked to take a blank form with him so he could have his entire family sign it.

Others said, “Looking back the 15 years of persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin's rogue group, many Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death, and numerous others have been disabled or wounded. Over a hundred countries and regions in the world allow the practice of Falun Gong, why doesn't the CCP? It's like they're forbidding us to be healthy or to be good people?”