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Additional Persecution News from China – September 9, 2014 (8 Reports)

Sept. 19, 2014

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes persecution that took place in 8 cities or counties in 6 provinces. According to this report, 4 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during detention, at least 7 practitioners were illegally arrested.

1. [Baotou, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Jiang Haiying Detained
2. [Shenzhen, Guangdong Province] Ms. Wang Haiyan Detained
3. [Tianjin] Ms. Zhao Lijuan Arrested
4. [Fengcheng, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jiang Fengli Detained
5. [Yichang, Hubei Province] Two Practitioners Detained
6. [Fuzhou, Fujian Province] Ms. Chen Huiju Detained
7. [Kunming, Yunnan Province] Three Practitioners Sentenced
8. [Xianfeng County, Hubei Province] Mr. Xu Yuxiang Sentenced

1. [Baotou, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Jiang Haiying Detained

Ms. Jiang Haiying from the Qingshan District in Baotou was arrested at the ticket-barrier in Baotou Train Station by officers from the Baotou Railroad Police Station on September 1, 2014. Her home was ransacked. She is being held at the Guchengwan Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Jiang:Baotou Police Department: +86-472-5362625Guchengwan Detention Center: +86-472-4143630Railroad Police Department: +86-472-4143901-2278

2. [Shenzhen, Guangdong Province] Ms. Wang Haiyan Detained

Ms. Wang Haiyan was arrested on August 30, 2014. The police ransacked her home and confiscated her computer and informational brochures about Falun Gong. She is employed the electronic plant of the Fuqun Group in Bantian, Shenzhen.

Ms. Wang is being held at the Longgang Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Wang:Longgang Detention Center: +86-755-28930893

3. [Tianjin] Ms. Zhao Lijuan Arrested

Ms. Zhao Lijuan lives in the Cuiheng Residential Area, Dongpuwa Township, Wuqing District, Tianjin. She was arrested by officers from the Wuqing Domestic Security Division on September 6, 2014. Her home was ransacked. The police confiscated her Falun Dafa books, bank book, and other belongings.

4. [Fengcheng, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jiang Fengli Detained

Ms. Jiang Fengli is over 50 and lives in Chalu Village, Baosha Town. She was arrested for passing a copy of an anti-censorship software to break through the Internet blockade to Zhang Pingxian, deputy chief of Baoshan Police Station, at Baoshan Bus Station on September 7, 2014. Her home was ransacked.

Ms. Jiang is being held at the Dandong Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Jiang:Zhai Shuzhen, chief of the Baoshan Police Station: +86-415-8901007, +86-415-8142877, +86-13941502210Liu Guike (刘贵科), instructor: +86-415-8901707, +86-415-8134877, +86-13942525849Zhang Pingxian (张平先), deputy chief: +86-415-8900559, +86-13898502818Chen Bin (陈斌), chief of the Domestic Security Division: +86-13941595556

5. [Yichang, Hubei Province] Two Practitioners Detained

Ms. Xie Houmei and Ms. Liu Zhaimei were taken to the Wuhan Women's Prison.

6. [Fuzhou, Fujian Province] Ms. Chen Huiju Detained

Ms. Chen Huiju was arrested by officers from the Fuzhou Domestic Security Division when she was distributing Falun Gong informational DVDs on September 5, 2014. She is being held at the Fuzhou Second Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Chen:Huada Police Station: +86-591-87851762Fuzhou Domestic Security Division: +86-591-87623013, +86-591-87623352Zhou Xun (周迅), chief of the Domestic Security Division: +86-1385008856

7. [Kunming, Yunnan Province] Three Practitioners Sentenced

Mr. Jiang Hai, Ms. Liu Rong, and Ms. Guo Youzhi were tried in Dongchuan District Court on May 20, 2014. The court sentenced Mr. Jiang and Ms. Guo each to three years of imprisonment with five years of probation on June 16, 2014. Ms. Liu Rong was sentenced to three years of imprisonment on the same day.

Mr. Jiang has been released. Ms. Liu and Ms. Guo are still being held at the Kunming No. 1 Detention Center. Ms. Liu's entire body is swollen as a result of persecution.

8. [Xianfeng County, Hubei Province] Mr. Xu Yuxiang Sentenced

Mr. Xu Yuxiang was sentenced to four years of imprisonment on July 11, 2014, after being held for more than six months.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Xu:Control Center of Police Department: +86-718-6827054Domestic Security Division: +86-718-6827036Crime Detection Division: +86-718-6891640Detention Center: +86-718-6834356