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Sixty Year-Old Woman Emaciated and Facing Trial

Sept. 2, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shanghai

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Huang Qiaoqin, 60, is seriously ill and emaciated after being held in the Xuhui Detention Center in Shanghai for eight months. She was indicted by the Xuhui District Procuratorate on March 26, 2014. They intended to sentence her to a prison term of between three and seven years.

Ms. Huang was illegally arrested by police from the Xuhui Police Station on November 25, 2013, for distributing Falun Gong informational materials. The police ransacked her home, and took her to a detention center.

While detained, Ms. Huang's weight dropped from 150 pounds to 80 pounds, her vision became blurred, and she developed very high blood sugar. Her teeth losened and she had difficulty eating. Very painful abscesses developed in her ears, and she became virtually deaf. The prison hospital said that her abscesses could not be surgically removed.

Ms. Huang had a difficult life prior to practicing Falun Gong. Her husband passed away in 1988. She raised three children on her own and developed many illnesses. After she learned Falun Gong, her health improved dramatically, and her life improved.

She is now facing trial for helping others to understand the goodness of Falun Gong.