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Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong at “Peace Day” in California (Photo)

Sept. 27, 2014

(Minghui.org) September 21 marks the 14th global “Peace Day,” which offers Falun Gong practitioners a great opportunity to raise the public's awareness of the brutal persecution that has been going on for 15 years in China.

Founded in 1999, the non-profit organization “Peace One Day” aims “to institutionalize the International Day of Peace.” The first global Peace Day was held in 2001, recognized by the United Nations as a day of global unity and of intercultural cooperation for reducing violence.

Practitioners from the Hague, Netherlands participated in the event held in front of the Peace Palace, a famous tourist spot which houses the International Court of Justice.

Many tourists from all over the world signed on the practitioners' petition, supporting their peaceful resistance. They thanked practitioners for bringing information about the persecution to the public, and their contribution to world peace.

It was the first time for practitioners to attend the event in Sacramento, California. They passed out materials, demonstrated the exercises, and collected signatures at the event held in front of the capitol building, calling for an end to the persecution.

Telling people about the persecution of Falun Gong in Sacramento, California

Passersby were shocked by the brutality of the persecution in China. Some people wanted to donate money to help Falun Gong. Practitioners told them that spreading the information and letting more people know about it is all they ask, and would be more helpful for stopping the persecution.

One Californian lady talked to the practitioners for a long time, and had many of her questions answered. She asked for a few copies of Falun Gong materials, so that she could ask her Congressman to help Falun Gong.

Many people signed on the petition, and quite a few of them were interested in learning the gentle and peaceful exercises. They asked for detailed information about the local exercise sites.