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Middle School Teacher Latest in Long List of Dalian Residents Sentenced for Telling People About Falun Gong

Sept. 27, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Four months after the trial of a Dalian woman that ended without a verdict, her family receive a notice in the mail dated September 9, notifying them of their loved one's prison sentence.

Ms. Guo Lihua (郭立华) was given five years for spreading information about the persecution of Falun Gong using her cell phone. Prior to her case, 34 other Dalian residents were sentenced between January and August this year. They were all charged with the “crime” of using various means to tell people about Falun Gong and expose the persecution.

A physics teacher at Dalian City 42th Middle School, 49-year-old Ms. Guo was taken away from work on April 23, 2013 and had her home ransacked. Though the police released her the same day, they returned to her school to arrest her again on May 30.

Ms. Guo was kept at Yaojia Detention Center for almost a year before her trial on May 4, 2014. During the trial, her two attorneys pleaded not guilty on her behalf, and she also testified to her innocence. The judge adjourned the session without issuing a verdict.

After her family received the sentencing notice on September 16, they vowed to appeal the verdict.

Prior to this most recent arrest in 2013, Ms. Guo was arrested previously on September 16, 2008 and incarcerated for two years at Masanjia Labor Camp. When her term expired on August 15, 2010, she was transferred straight to the Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center for further persecution.

Responsible Parties:

Zhongshan District Court:Liang Yongguo(梁永国), presiding judgeCheng Jia (程鑫), acting judgeWang Lijun (王莉军), jurorJiang Yinling (姜银铃), clerk

Procuratorial Office in Zhongshan District:Qu Huiyong (曲慧勇), procuratorZhou Lixiang (周立香), deputy procurator