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Additional Persecution News from China – September 16, 2014 (14 Reports)

Sept. 27, 2014

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes persecution that took place in 13 cities or counties in 9 provinces. According to this report, 7 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during detention, at least 9 practitioners were illegally arrested.

1. [Benxi, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jin Junbo Sentenced to 12 Years' Imprisonment
2. [Tianjin] Ms. Wang Hongwei Persecuted
3. [Hegang, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Tan Yanling Arrested
4. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Three Falun Gong Practitioners Detained
5. [Maoming, Guangdong Province] Ms. Li Zhenyu's Whereabouts Unknown
6. [Li County, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhu Junqiang Detained
7. [Meihekou, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Shuyuan Detained 
8. [Shulan, Jilin Province] Mr. Han Fu Detained
9. [Huaihua, Hunan Province] Ms. Guo Qiping Arrested
10. [Nanyang, Henan Province] Mr. Liu Yaode Arrested
11. [Benxi, Liaoning Province] Ms. Tong Shujuan Arrested
12. [Beijing] Mr. Jia Jianming Persecuted
13. [Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Chen Xiuzhen Arrested
14. [Tianjin] Mr. Wang Jun Detained

1. [Benxi, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jin Junbo Sentenced to 12 Years' Imprisonment

Mr. Jin Junbo, 53, was arrested when he was posting flyers about Falun Gong in February 2014. He was taken to the Benxi Detention Center and recently sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Mr. Jin worked at the Hot Rolling Mill of Benxi Steel Company.

2. [Tianjin] Ms. Wang Hongwei Persecuted

Ms. Wang Hongwei, 44, from the Nankai District was arrested by officers from the Nankai Police Department in January 2008. She was sentenced to 8 years and detained in the Tianjin Women's Prison.

Ms. Wang was brutally tortured in the prison. Six collaborators took turns watching her and did not allow her to sleep. She was fed psychotropic drugs.

3. [Hegang, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Tan Yanling Arrested

Liu Jinye from the Hongqi Police Station, Wei Xuezhong from the Xinyi Police Station, and other officers broke into Ms. Tan Yanling's home on the morning of August 28, 2014. Ms. Tan was arrested. The police confiscated Falun Gong books and materials.

4. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Three Falun Gong Practitioners Detained

Ms. Wang Hongfeng, Mr. Li Weiguo, and Ms. Yao Chuanfen were arrested in the Changqing District on August 14, 2014. They are being held at the Jinan Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting the three practitioners:Liu Gang (刘刚) from the Changqing District Police Department: +86-15615719666Wang Chunge (王纯阁): +86-15615719567Zhang Weidong (张卫东): +86-1336181518

5. [Maoming, Guangdong Province] Ms. Li Zhenyu's Whereabouts Unknown

Ms. Li Zhenyu was arrested by Maoming police when she was distributing Falun Gong materials at the end of August 2014. Her whereabouts is unknown.

6. [Li County, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhu Junqiang Detained

Mr. Zhu Junqiang was intercepted by officers from the Beinian Police Station when he went to Huayuantou Village in Beinian Township to collect bills on September 10, 2014. The police held his van and took him to the Beinian Police Station.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Zhu:Zhan Pengfei (展朋飞), chief of the Beinian Police Station: +86-13832285866Zhang Yuexian (张跃贤), chief of the Li County 610 Office: +86-13633228299, +86-312-6211103Tian Lihui (田丽辉), deputy chief: +86-15030261998Fan Zhaoping (范兆平), deputy chief: +86-13582376366 

7. [Meihekou, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Shuyuan Detained

Ms. Li Shuyuan from Shancheng Town was taken to a brainwashing center on August 19, 2014. The brainwashing session was held at Shuangxing High School in Shuangxing Township, Meihekou. Ms. Li was then transferred to the Liaoyuan Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Li:Wan Zhiyuan (万致远), secretary of the Meihekou Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-4354238626, +86-13844505228, +86-4354226603Wu, director of the 610 Office: +86-4354222004, +86-13944500100Xu Wenguang (徐文广), chief of Domestic Security Division: +86-13500978899, +86-18043528106

8. [Shulan, Jilin Province] Mr. Han Fu Detained

Mr. Han Fu from Kongtun Village, Xihe Township, Shulan, was arrested and taken to the Liangjiashan Township Police Station on the night of September 9, 2014. His home was ransacked. The police confiscated a laptop; two printers; a copy of a picture of the founder of Falun Dafa, Li Hongzhi; and Falun Dafa books. Mr. Han was transferred to the Shulan Detention Center on September 10, 2014.

9. [Huaihua, Hunan Province] Ms. Guo Qiping Arrested

Ms. Guo Qiping from the Hongjiang District was arrested by officers from the Hongjiang 610 Office on September 11, 2014. Her home was ransacked.

10. [Nanyang, Henan Province] Mr. Liu Yaode Arrested

Mr. Liu Yaode, a doctor, was arrested by officers from the Wolong District Police Station when he was talking to people about Falun Gong and distributing informational materials about it on September 7, 2014.

11. [Benxi, Liaoning Province] Ms. Tong Shujuan Arrested

Ms. Tong Shujuan was arrested on September 5, 2014. Her whereabouts is unknown.

12. [Beijing] Mr. Jia Jianming Persecuted

Mr. Jia Jianming was severely persecuted in Xianghe Hospital.

13. [Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Chen Xiuzhen Arrested

Ms. Chen Xiuzhen was arrested in mid August 2014.

14. [Tianjin] Mr. Wang Jun Detained

Mr. Wang Jun from the Jinnan District was arrested for distributing Falun Gong materials on September 12, 2014. He is being held at the Jinnan Detention Center.

Parties involved in the persecuting Mr. Wang:Liu Yufeng (刘玉峰), warden of the Jinnan Detention Center: +86-22-88635899Liu Gang (刘刚), instructor: +86-13821082353Gao Shujun (高树军), deputy warden: +86-13820680596