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Hebei Woman Drops Her Attorney After Being Tricked by Local Court

Sept. 27, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) After a Hebei woman's defense attorney convinced the local Procuratorate to dismiss her case, local police turned to the local court to make sure that she was prosecuted. Furthermore, in order to avoid a face-off with the attorney, court staff deceived the woman into dropping her legal counsel.

According to an insider, the officials knew they could not contend with Ms. Jin's lawyer in an open, fair trial.

Lawyer Dismissed Under Deception

Following an arrest on March 29, 2014, for distributing literature to expose the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Jin Ruiling, 62, from Dachang County in Hebei Province, has been detained at the Sanhe Detention Center for over five months. The Dachang Police Department is still seeking to have Ms. Jin tried, although her case was returned from the Procuratorate in July.

Ms. Jin's case was transferred to the Dachang Court on August 22, 2014. Five days later, Ms. Jin's attorney, Mr. Wang Yajun, went to the court to submit an inquiry about her case. However, the court staff refused to cooperate and instead asked him to come back later. Their main excuse was that nobody had been assigned to Ms. Jin's case. Moreover, the court tried to have Mr. Wang removed from the premises.

The court staff went to see Ms. Jin at the Sanhe Detention Center in September. They told Ms. Jin that she would be released in 10 days if she agreed to dismiss her attorney. Not realizing it was a trap, Ms. Jin signed the document dismissing the lawyer.

Subsequently, the court staff visited Ms. Jin's husband on September 3 and played the same trick on him. They said to him, “It will take more than three months to go through the court proceedings, and the final outcome may be different from what you want.”

Because Ms. Jin's husband wanted to have his wife released as early as possible, he felt he had no choice but to go along with with their plan.

Recent Arrest

Ms. Jin was arrested on March 29, 2014, along with two other Falun Gong practitioners and detained at the Dachang Detention Center. The authorities also confiscated her personal property. Behind the efforts of her attorney, Mr. Wang, the Dachang Procuratorate later rejected the case against Ms. Jin in July.

Previous Persecution

Ms. Jin was arrested and taken to a brainwashing center in 2001 and 2004. Authorities confiscated her personal belongs including a computer, cell phone, printer, and Falun Gong books.

Parties Involved in Persecution:

Liu Hui (刘会), the Dachang County Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-13803229653 (Cell), +86-316-8931388 (Office), +86-316-8823778 (Home)Liu Yuexiang (刘悦祥), director of the 610 Office: +86-18631639056 (Cell), +86-13700363497 (Cell), +86-316-8825860 (Office), +86-316-8952376 (Home)Sun Zhigang(孙志刚), deputy director of the Dachang County Police Department: +86-316-8850859; +86-13785665000(Cell), +86-13603169096 (Cell number for his daughter)Wang Qinhan (王秦汉), Chief of the Domestic Security Division: +86-316-8835602, +86-13931600099 (Cell)

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