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Shandong Province: High School Teacher Held in Solitary Confinement, Injected with Unidentified Drugs

Sept. 27, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Barely three years after being released from a forced labor camp, Ms. Yi Shuling was arrested again in July 2014 while distributing literature about the persecution of Falun Gong. Local 610 Office agents and police officers took her to a detention center, where she was later held in solitary confinement and injected with unidentified drugs.

Ms. Yi Shuling

Ms. Yi was reported to the 610 Office as she was telling people about Falun Gong on July 18, 2014. 610 Office agents attempted to arrest her, but were unsuccessful. They then directed the Changlu Police Station to capture her. More than a dozen officers were dispatched, and they found and arrested Ms. Yi and Ms. Gong Huadong. The two practitioners were both taken to the Linyi Detention Center the same afternoon.

Ms. Yi protested the persecution at the detention center and shouted “Falun Gong is good!” She was put in solitary confinement and injected with unidentified drugs.

Previous Persecution

Ms. Yin, 45, began practicing Falun Gong in 1998. She was known for her outstanding work as teacher at the Mengyin Experimental High School, but lost her job because of the persecution. She was arrested many times in the last 15 years for refusing to give up her belief. She was held in detention centers and brainwashing centers many times, in a forced labor camp twice, and in a mental hospital. Her husband could not withstand the ongoing torment and divorced her in 2003.

Torture Illustration: Crushing the feet.

Ms. Yi was arrested and tortured repeatedly. In June 2002, Ms. Yi's feet were severely injured when an official stepped on her feet and ground into them with all his might. Ms. Yi also suffered from beatings, verbal abuse, denial of restroom use, food deprivation, force-feedings, being hung up, forced injections/drug administration, and physical restraint. Scars are still visible on her wrists, ankles and mouth.

Parties Involved in the Persecution

Wang Zaien (王在恩), director of the Mengyin County 610 Office and deputy director of the Mengyin Police Department, Shandong Province.Qiao Shenghua (乔胜华), Liu Guanzhuang branch secretary of the Chinese Communist Party: +86-13583931589 (Cell)

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