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610 Office Manipulates Court Against Practitioner Wang Zhiwu (Photos)

Sept. 27, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) When a Shanghai woman was sentenced to a 4-year prison term in late August for practicing Falun Gong, the local “610 Office” pulled strings behind the scenes to control the judge who delivered the verdict.

Less than 10 days later, the same scenario played out 1,000 miles away in Handan City, Hebei Province.

On September 9, 2014, the Handan City 610 Office manipulated the Congtai District Court to sentence practitioner Wang Zhiwu (王志武) to three years in prison. Wang and his family plan to appeal.

Practitioner Wang Zhiwu

Wang Zhiwu was arrested on the afternoon of May 5, 2014 from his bicycle repair shop. The Congtai District tried him on July 8. The prosecutor hatched “evidence” that Wang Zhiwu spent money with the message “Falun Dafa is Good” written on the currency. The trial ended without a verdict.

The second trial transpired on August 12 and was manipulated by the Handan City 610 Office. Staff from the 610 Office were present everywhere in and around the courtroom, monitoring Falun Gong practitioners. The head of the 610 Office sat in the public gallery to oversee the whole process.

Soon after the trial started, Prosecutor Liang Yan showed the new “evidence” they collected: Wang Zhiwu was taken to a forced labor re-education camp in 2005 because he practiced Falun Gong. After Wang Zhiwu's attorney refuted the concocted evidence, Liang Yan became speechless. The judge had to adjourn the trial. The police forced everyone out of the courtroom, including Wang Zhiwu's family.

The head of the 610 Office was seen entering the judge's chambers behind the courtroom. Soon, Judge Zhao Hua emerged to announce the trial would resume immediately. The judge appeared very brusque, constantly blocking Wang Zhiwu and his attorney from speaking as the trial progressed. It was clear that the 610 Office had influenced the judge's behavior.

Wang Zhiwu was sentenced to three years in prison for using money bearing truth-clarification messages.

Money with message: Heaven will Eliminate the Chinese Communist Party, Quit the Party to Save Oneself

Personnels responsible for persecution:Yue Xiushan (岳秀山), director of the Congtai District Police Department: 86-310-30999 86-310-3095266 86-310-3085266 86-13315065288(Cell)Wang Xiuming (王秀明), the CCP secretary of the Congtai District Police Department: 86-310-30888 86-310-3019893 86-13903202165(Cell)Han Xinyue (韩欣悦), Attorney General of the Congtai District Procuratorate: 86-13513305999(Cell)Yang Haimin (杨海民), president of the Congtai District Court: 86-13785029008(Cell)

Related article:Practitioner Wang Zhiwu Being Persecuted in the Handan Forced Labor Camp

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