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Enlightenment Comes from Letting Go of Human Attachments

Sept. 28, 2014 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) The poem “In Dao” from Hong Yin states:

“Quiet but thinking not—The mystical and wondrous may be seen.”

I was not able to understand this initially, wondering how one could understand and enlighten while being quiet and not thinking. When one studies the Fa, one has to enlighten. One has to think in order to enlighten. Master also mentioned:

“... an exceptional person can depend on his enlightening to reach Consummation.” (“Why One Cannot See” from Essentials for Further Advancement)

I knew my understanding at the time was not adequate.

After constant Fa study, I realized one day that when one does not think, one's notions that formed after birth, one's attachments, desires, sentimentality, memory will not interfere with him or her. Only under such conditions can wisdom come, making one able to see certain levels of the cosmos and the mysteries of life!

I also realized why one has to study Fa attentively. Only when one's heart is not interfered with, can one truly obtain the meaning of Fa. When it is your time to understand, it will be a sudden enlightenment, as inspiration appears.

When I studied the Fa with a tranquil mind, every word and sentence flowed right into my mind. The connotations would flesh out my vision one by one, and I would realize something. The realization could be quite concrete, as if a window opened in my heart to reveal a clear insight!

I understand now that during Fa study, exercise, work, and life, as long as we can use Fa to guide us, miracles will happen! But if we use the human heart or human rational thinking, the result can only be on the human level.

This became even clearer to me when I was talking to people about Falun Dafa and the persecution. When I was able to let go of the attachments to sentimentality and self, and focused on others, my words would flow out smoothly and articulately, even things I could hardly remember. The people I was talking to would usually readily agree to withdrawal from the CCP.

However, if I was in a self-protective mentality, no matter how much I talked or how well I argued, they would not agree with me.

Now I see something beyond notions, attachments and wild fancies, beyond all the interferences of the human heart.

This is my understanding at my current state, please point out any shortcomings.