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Taipei: Organ Harvesting Reenactment Prompts Spectators to Show Support

Jan. 15, 2015 |   By Zheng Yuyan, a Minghui correspondent in Taipei, Taiwan

(Minghui.org) A reenactment on January 10, 2015, showing doctors in China killing Falun Gong practitioners for their organs, prompted several passersby on a busy street in Taipei to stop what they were doing, and ask what they could do to help.

The reenactment was held during the day on a street in Ximending, a popular shopping district in Taipei, famous for its tourism. Tourists from China, in particular, were shocked by what they saw. Many took photographs, and several renounced their membership in the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations.

Ms. Yan, a senior student from Guangzhou, was on holiday in Taiwan. She said she had seen Falun Gong practitioners' activities in Hong Kong, but this is the first time she had seen a reenactment about organ harvesting. She was shocked, and quickly quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. She said that since elementary school she had only heard negative things about Falun Gong in the media. She discovered the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution only after traveling overseas.

Falun Gong practitioners reenact how the Chinese regime sanctions illegally harvesting of organs from living practitioners in China, which are then sold for profit. Shoppers on the busy streets of Ximending in Taipei were drawn to the reenactment, and many signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution in China.

Many locals approached the practitioners who organized the reenactment, to sign a petition calling for an end to the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

A professor from National Open University, along with his mother, wife, and three children, viewed the reenactment and then asked to sign the petition.

The professor said he knew about the persecution of Falun Gong, and said he believed that the practitioners' efforts to expose the persecution were necessary and meaningful. His daughter, who is in fifth grade, asked if she could also sign, because, “Father always says that we should do the right thing.”

Many pedestrians, scooter drivers, and passengers on buses and cars turned their heads to look more closely at the display boards and the organ harvesting reenactment.

Doing the Right Thing

A couple with their two children were dumbfounded by the organ harvesting reenactment. “Is this real?” the husband asked a practitioner. The practitioner described the extent of persecution in China, and the man and his wife signed the petition right away. The man said that he knew about the persecution, but hadn't realized the extent of its brutality.

A veterinarian from another city was driving past the reenactment, and decided to park her car so that she could sign the petition. She said she had known about the organ harvesting for a long time, and wanted to show her support.

A woman from Singapore signed the petition, saying, “It's unacceptable to just take others' organs and sell them.” She took photos of the reenactment and said she planned to post them on her social media pages to help raise awareness about the persecution in China.

A first-grade boy saw the reenactment on his way to a stationary store. He signed the petition and asked if there was a website to learn more about the persecution. Two sixth grade girls signed the petition and then returned later with another classmate, so that she could also learn about the persecution in China and sign the petition.

Several tourists from China came over to encourage the practitioners. One tourist said, “Please keep up the good work. I support Falun Gong.”

One young man from China had been in Taiwan for three days. When he saw the reenactment, he promptly quit the Young Pioneers and the Youth League, two CCP organizations.

The organ harvesting reenactment draws the attention of pedestrians, scooter drivers, and bus passengers.

People waiting for buses view the reenactment and take photos with their smart phones.

Passersby take photos of the reenactment and upload them online to inform their friends.

Tourists and locals sign a petition calling for an immediate end to the persecution of Falun Gong.