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Tianjin Grandmother Tried for Her Belief in Falun Gong

Jan. 15, 2015 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Tianjin

(Minghui.org) Ms. Ran Guanquan has been a happy grandmother ever since she started the practice of Falun Gong, which relieved her of the heart disease and asthma that had plagued her for decades.

Her happiness was shattered when police took her away on the afternoon of September 3, 2014. Officials from her neighborhood committee paid an unexpected visit to her home to “check her residence permit.” There, they found Falun Gong books and had her arrested.

The police claimed that Ms. Ran “confessed to everything.” Her arrest was soon approved and submitted to the local procuratorate. The authorities rejected the bail request made by Ms. Ran's lawyer.

Ms. Ran was tried on December 30. Her lawyer entered a not-guilty plea for her, pointing out that it was illegal to search Ms. Ran's home without a search warrant, and the way of collecting evidence against Ms. Ran was also against regulations. The lawyer also discovered that the police had forged her signatures on interrogation records enclosed in her case file.

The trial adjourned within an hour. The judge decided to return the case to the procuratorate to “gather more evidence.”

Meanwhile, the 66-year-old grandmother is still being detained in the First Detention Center in Tianjin.

Related article:Elderly Lady Arrested and Framed with Falsified Charges