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Ms. Xu Xiaoqin Imprisoned Shortly after Her Arrest

Jan. 5, 2015 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Chongqing, China

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Xiaoqin (许晓琴) has been incarcerated in the No. 1 Ward of Chongqing Women's Prison for four months.

Ms. Xu from the Yongchuan District was arrested on May 1, 2014, by officers from the South Street Police Station while handing out Shen Yun DVDs at the transportation center. She was secretly tried on July 24 and illegally sentenced to three years and six months in prison. She was imprisoned on August 25.

Yongchuan District Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC) and the 610 Office ordered the police, the procuratorate, and the court to handle the cases in a “stricter, harsher and quicker” way. It was only three months from the time of Ms. Xu's arrest to her imprisonment.

Ms. Xu's family went to the prison on August 27 to give her some clean clothes. The guard stopped them saying, “You're not allowed to bring in clothes for the prisoners. They are to buy clothes here. After the two-month training period for new prisoners, you'll receive a notice allowing you to visit her.”

After two months, the family reattempted to visit Ms. Xu. The guard didn't allow them inside, saying they didn't meet the requirements.

The prison called Ms. Xu's brother, and advised him that Ms. Xu was sentenced to three years and six months in prison and he can send some money to her prison account if needed.

Parties involved in the persecution of Ms. Xu:Li Xiaojuan (李晓娟), warden of the Chongqing Women's Prison: +86-13983256985No. 1 Ward of the Chongqing Women's Prison: +86-23-65777500, +86-23-65777503, +86-23-65777505Gao Liangxian (高良先), deputy secretary of the Yongchuan District PLAC: +86-13657608001Deng Guangqi (邓光琪), officer of the Yongchuan District Domestic Security Division: +86-13996005251