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Practitioner Tells People about Falun Dafa after His Release from Prison

Jan. 5, 2015 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am a 53-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner, and I was released from six years of imprisonment in 2009. 

After my release, I returned home to study the Fa and work on improving my righteous thoughts. After that, I read practitioners' experience sharing articles on the Minghui website about clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa's situation in China and around the world. I then felt ready to tell people about the practice.

I helped my daughter at the stadium she operated during the day in July 2009. It was then that I noticed a driving school near the stadium where many young people enrolled for driving lessons.

People bought beverages from us through the summer, which was a great way to get to know each other. After chatting for some time, I helped many of them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. The number of people that quit increased from one to two people per day to three or four a day. My confidence slowly increased.

Letting Go of Fear

My attachment to fear surfaced most when I talked to people about Falun Dafa. However, I was determined and thought: “Who should be more afraid?” Suddenly, I was no longer afraid.

Initially, I did not know where to begin clarifying the truthwhen I started in October of 2010, so I bought products from salespeople: I bought eight items and eight people quit the CCP's organizations. Through this, I found a good method to start conversations about Falun Dafa.

Once, I talked to some people at a bus stop when a couple in their 30s was boarding. I stood behind the young man and clarified the truth to him. “Young man, it must be a predestined for us to meet,” I said. “Let me tell you how to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations to keep safe. Did you join the Party when you started work?”

His wife said, “You practice Falun Dafa? Do you know what he does for a living? He is with the national security, which persecutes Falun Dafa.”

I was not perturbed. “Young man, we know that being safe is a blessing. We are Chinese,” I said. “We are not the offspring of Marx and Lenin. In our hearts, we don't want this Party, and it won't affect you being an officer or earning a fortune. Instead, it can protect you. Please remember 'Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.' I wish you a successful career. Let me give you a pseudonym and help you quit.” The young man nodded and quit. His wife also quit.

We let go of fear when we maintain a compassionate heart. Even then, I still let out a long breath after they boarded the bus.

People Are Ready to Hear about Falun Dafa

There are also people who came to me to hear the truth. Once when I was clarifying the truth at a bus stop, I talked to a man about quitting the CCP. He quit immediately and thanked me. He also accepted a Shen Yun performance DVD and the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party DVD.

When I was getting gas for my motorbike, another biker said, “Don't be hasty with the nozzle. Do it slowly, or else it will spill out.” This helped me bring up quitting the CCP with him. He also accepted a Falun Dafa amulet before leaving.

One person after another arrived to start conversations with me, and I asked each one to quit the CCP. They would often quit within five minutes and leave having understood the truth.

Helping More and More People Quit

I helped more than 2,800 people quit the CCP within 2 years of starting my truth clarification efforts, and more than 20,000 people within 5 years.

My experiences tell me that practitioners will have many opportunities to help people understand and quit the CCP and its affiliates when we believe in Master and the Fa and hold righteous thoughts. Master has paved the way for us.

When encountering bottlenecks in my cultivation, I try to calm down and study the Fa for a few days to find my attachments. When I let them go, I am again more ready to clarify the truth.

Thank you, revered Master!