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Supreme People's Procuratorate Returning Criminal Complaints to Practitioners' Local Authorities

Oct. 18, 2015 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Chongqing City, China

(Minghui.org) Police officers from Chongqing City ordered local community personnel to interrogate Falun Gong practitioners and ransack their homes on September 21, 2015.

Mu Chaoheng from the Domestic Security Team, along with a dozen officers from the Jiangjin District Domestic Security Team and Dongcheng Police Station, and local community personnel, broke into the homes of Falun Gong practitioners Wen Qinghua, Cao Deqin, and Wen Yuelian on September 21. They ransacked the practitioners' homes and confiscated personal belongings.

The practitioners were taken to the Dongcheng Police Station. A dozen officers and local community personnel surrounded each practitioner and forced them to give their fingerprints, blood samples, and be photographed.

The practitioners were interrogated separately. They were asked questions such as whether they filed criminal complaints against Jiang Zemin, why they sued Jiang, who asked them to do so, who helped them write the complaints, and where they mailed out the complaint letters.

Furthermore, practitioners Li Youcheng, Li Yuanqin, Li Yuanqi, Guo Chuanfen, and Tan Kezhen from the Jiangjin District were also harassed, and their homes were ransacked by police on the same day.

Practitioners from Baisha Town, Shimo Town, and Lishi Town were also harassed, threatened, and had their home ransacked by police and local community personnel.

Most of the officers were plainclothes and did not get directly involved in the ransacking or interrogation. Instead, they ordered the local community personnel to do it. Some officers said they did no longer wanted to persecute practitioners, and that the orders were from upper level authorities.

Some officers also disclosed that most of the complaint letters against Jiang were being returned to the police departments where the practitioners lived. If this is true, it shows that officials in the Supreme People's Procuratorate violated the constitution, the law, and citizen rights.