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Cultivating Dafa Is a Priority in Our Family Life

Oct. 2, 2015 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) When my husband and I married, my parents and in-laws did not get along. The situation became worse after the birth of our child and our marriage was in trouble. Then, when our child was five years old my husband and I began to practice Falun Dafa. Now, there are less conflicts and our home life improved.

The Power of Dafa Changed My In-laws

My mother-in-law was hit by a car and suffered a stroke. My husband suggested that my in-laws should come and live with us, so we could help with her care. Before I practiced Dafa, I would have never agreed to such an arrangement. However I knew I had to follow the Dafa principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, So I agreed to bring them to our home.

Deceived by the lies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), my father-in-law did not understand Falun Dafa. He said some bad things, but we believed Dafa would eventually change him.

Before we taught my mother-in-law the Dafa exercises we asked her to listen to the Fa lectures. We were always patient with her. Her body began to recover and she could talk again, walk up and down the stairs and go to the restroom on her own. She was able to join us for studying the Fa and doing the exercises.

When my father-in-law saw the amazing changes in his wife, he was very touched and also began to practice Falun Dafa.

Group Fa Study Has Priority in our Home

My 83 year old father-in-law was kneading dough in April 2013 and suddenly could no longer move. We immediately sent forth righteous thoughts.

That afternoon, we studied the Fa, and in the evening we did the exercises with him. It was still difficult for him to move half of his body and he did not want to do the exercises. He just wanted to lie down. We encouraged him to finish the exercises.

We woke him early the next morning to do the exercises. He did not want to get up and join us. So we went to his room to do the exercises. He got up and joined us, and did all five exercises. Afterward, the right side of his body recovered. Within just one day he had completely recovered.

Group Fa study at home is our priority. Whenever we have time, our family reads Zhuan Falun, the main book of Dafa. We cultivate Dafa as a whole family.

With No Resentment, Conflicts are Resolved

Recently, it were the Dafa principles Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance that helped me resolve a problem at work.

One of my responsibilities is to calculate and dispense salaries in our small company. We give a bonus to all employees during the Dragon Boat Festival. One employee's husband also works in our company, but he was absent that day, so I gave both bonuses to her, but forgot to ask her to sign a receipt.

A month later this employee came to me for his bonus. When I told him I gave it to his wife he denied it. He called his wife and she indeed claimed that I did not give her any money for her husband. He thought I kept it for myself and became angry.

At first I tried to convince him, then I thought of Master’s poem “Don't Argue” in Hong Yin III

Don't argue when people argue with youCultivation is looking within for the causeWanting to explain just feeds the attachmentBreadth of mind, unattached, brings true insight

Immediately, I calmed down and said perhaps I am wrong. I checked and realized that I forgot to ask her to sign a receipt. Then I paid him out of my pocket.

He was still angry with me but I did not argue with him. I assumed I must owe him a debt from a previous life. A short time later his wife called me to say that she had remembered that I did give her his bonus. Then he returned my money to me.

This kind of occurrence happens to many Dafa practitioners. Being wronged or misunderstood by others, we persist in believing in the Dafa principles and hold no resentment or bad feelings. Eventually all conflicts are resolved.

Resolving Attachments Brings Great Benefits

My husband was illegally sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp. So, I had to run our small business. People who were involved in the same business said that I would be out of business in three months.

Although I was feeling down I knew Master would have the final say. If Master wanted my business to succeed then it would. We are Dafa practitioners and our job is to validate Dafa.

Since my husband is the legal representative for the business and he was in a forced labor camp, the inspection office passed us over but announced in a newspaper that we did not pass the annual inspection. There were many tribulations, but I still tried to do well. As a result, our company's profit exceeded those good periods in the past. I understood it was Master who strengthened and encouraged me, since we walked our path in a righteous way.

My husband and I were unlawfully detained briefly in 2014. Our business was once again severely interfered with. The inspection office found no problems, however they started a rumor that we were closed down. We lost some customers as a result.

We sent forth righteous thoughts as well as looked within for any attachments that did not conform to the Fa.

There is a lot of competition in business now and I unknowingly got caught up in it. I had begun to compete with ordinary people, and developed attachments of all kinds.

I became aware of my behavior, looked within and asked the same of my husband so we could eliminate our attachments and conduct ourselves according to the Fa. No words can express the lightness and purity after those attachments were eliminated.

When we rectified ourselves within the Fa, many business opportunities that we thought impossible came to us. The clients offered to contact us. It truly ended up as “There Will Be Bright Flowers and Another Village Ahead!"