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Opportunities to Talk about Dafa While Working in a Hotel

Oct. 2, 2015 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) A practitioner recommended me for a job as an inventory manager for a hotel in 2002. There were more than 100 employees at that hotel, including over 30 cooks.

The inventory was quite extensive. It was not an easy job, and three of the inventory control staff had resigned the week before I started.

Establishing a Foundation for Truth-clarification

First, I introduced myself to the owner's wife, who asked if I was up to the task because of the heavy workload, especially since I was over 50 years old. I agreed to give the job a try because, as a practitioner, I had full confidence in myself.

I made a detailed inventory list. Some of the products had expired or nearly expired, so I threw those out and reordered the products. I made sure that everything complied with proper inventory management practices.

When I arrived at work the next day, about a dozen children were smoking in the warehouse. I told them that I had just accepted this job, and they could help me if they would smoke outside. They tried to argue, but I told them that their activity could trigger a fire, and they would be held responsible, so they went outside.

Next, I told the owner's wife that we had to change procedures. For example, for inventory control, only one employee should pick up products at a time. She understood my intent to make everyone more accountable and agreed.

Things were different in the warehouse within two months. Everything was in order. The record books were properly kept and reconciled with the actual inventory.

My hard work built a good foundation for my future Falun Dafa truth-clarification efforts.

Creating Opportunities to Talk about Dafa

We received goods daily, and some vendors wanted to bribe me with money, while others wanted to give me goods. This was an excellent opportunity to talk about Dafa. I explained that a practitioner did not accept bribes.

“I practice Falun Dafa, and I follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. As long as your merchandise is of good quality, I will accept it. You don't need to give me anything.”

The owner's wife said that she was told that I talked to the delivery people about Falun Dafa.

“Yes, I had no other choice,” I said. “They wanted to give me goods or money, which I didn't want to accept. They didn't understand why, so I had to explain. I told them that, since I practice 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I don't accept anything that I have not rightfully earned.”

I added, “If I could be bribed, wouldn't it be you who would suffer a financial loss in the end?” She smiled and agreed with me.

After our discussion, she did not stop me when I talked to people about Dafa. Because of this, almost all of the delivery people got to hear the facts about Dafa and quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations.

All the hotel employees were from out-of-town and were very young, so I treated them as if they were my own children. I kept a list of their names and put checks next to their names when they quit the CCP.

They came to me with their problems. I repaired their torn clothes, sewed on buttons, and lent them money if they needed help before payday. They respected me and talked to me about everything. This laid a solid foundation for talking about Dafa.

Teaching by Example

When I went to the supermarket to buy supplies, sea cucumbers that were ordered were not loaded into the truck. I did not realize this until the evening.

The purchaser was the owner's wife's younger brother. He reached out to the vendor who denied everything. However, he did agree to reimburse half the cost, so I gave the other half to the owner's wife.

It was a very busy morning, and my helper was a young man. However, I took full responsibility for the mistake. Otherwise, the young man would be penalized as well. Though I lost a little bit financially, ordinary people could see clearly the demeanor and kindness of a Dafa practitioner.

Hire Another Practitioner

The owner's wife, her younger sister, and brother did not want me to leave when I resigned after four years.

“Where am I going to find someone like you?” asked the owner's wife. I told them to hire another Dafa practitioner.

Even after I resigned, everyone knew that I would bring them the new Shen Yun show DVDs as soon as they became available. I gave them Dafa materials, software to bypass China's Internet censorship, and calendars with Dafa information.

My family and relatives and I had lunch at the hotel this year. The owner's wife brought us a fruit tray and asked if I still practiced Dafa. I told her “How could I not practice Dafa?” She gave me a thumbs up and said that I was truly amazing.

After I left the job, I spent much of my time on Dafa truth-clarification activities. Even when I take my granddaughter for a walk, I use my cell phone to broadcast Dafa information. I also talk to people face-to-face about Dafa and tell them that they should withdraw from the CCP.

I still have many attachments, such as a competitive mentality, resentment towards my husband, and a show-off mentality. I need to improve my xinxing, so I can get rid of my attachments.