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The Persecution Targets Good People

Oct. 2, 2015 |   By a relative of a Falun Gong practitioner in Mainland China

(Minghui.org) I want to sue Jiang Zemin. I am not a lawyer, nor am I sure how many constitutional laws Jiang broke when he launched and perpetuated the persecution of Falun Gong. However, I do know that it is impossible to compensate my family for the harm Jiang Zemin has caused us since he started the persecution 16 years ago.

“We must bring Jiang to justice” is the only thought in my mind when I type the name Jiang Zemin.

Heartless People

I was in first grade in 1999. I lived with my aunt, uncle, and cousins at the time. My aunt and uncle are Falun Gong practitioners. I did not see my aunt for about six months, until my uncle carried an emaciated woman in his arms when he returned home. She looked like a skeleton. It was my aunt.

My mother burst into tears at the heartbreaking sight, but did not recognize her own sister. My cousins did not recognize her either. She looked completely different because of the torture she had endured.

That was the first time I truly understood what the persecution entailed: hurting good people. I did not know who specifically persecuted her. All I knew was that they must be heartless.

Continual Movement to Escape Persecution

I still lived with my aunt and uncle a year later. We had moved to a house which was right next to a railroad track. The noise from the trains was so loud that I imagined that the trains were passing right through our dwelling.

Previously, my aunt and uncle had lived in a nice house on a university compound where they were professors. However, when the persecution of Falun Gong started, they were fired and evicted. As a child, I could not understand who the ultimate persecutors were. I thought that my aunt and uncle were perhaps being persecuted by officials at the university.

I moved out of my aunt's household in 2001 because they had to move again. They also moved in 2002 , 2003, 2004, 2005, and so on. I asked my mother why they kept moving, and she told me they were afraid that police would arrest them. I could not understand why the police would arrest kind people.

My family and I had to be very careful when we visited my aunt and uncle. We had to make sure that no one was following us. We also never mentioned their location during phone calls with other relatives because phone lines are monitored in China.

I still did not fully understand the persecution, but I did know that we always feared that the police would persecute us.

Pure Evil Launched the Inhuman Persecution

Despite that we were very careful, my aunt was illegally arrested on May 19, 2007. She was sentenced to five years in the Helongjiang Province Women's Prison. Each month, members of our family traveled long distances to visit my aunt.

I do not know what happened to my aunt in prison, but what I could see through the prison visiting room window was that a woman who used to be happy had turned haggard and gray-haired.

My family was greatly shaken by these events. Several months after my aunt's arrest, my grandmother, who was very healthy prior to the arrest, could not stand the emotional pain and passed away from heart failure. My grandfather missed his daughter so much that he often cried through the night, unable to sleep. He later died, also from a heart problem. In the absence of my aunt, my uncle had to take care of their two young children by himself.

One day, my mother came home drunk. She fell to the floor and cried for her mother and sister. From these experiences, I learned that the persecution was far more than just throwing people out of their jobs and homes. I learned that the persecutors torture practitioners and their family members, physically and mentally.

I eventually learned that the real persecutor not was merely a school official or the local police. The real culprit was completely evil, someone who went out of his way to carry out the brutal and inhuman persecution of good people: former Chinese Communist leader Jiang Zemin.

I graduated from college in the summer of 2015. The persecution has dominated my life over the past 16 years.

I want to sue Jiang Zemin! I want to see the day when Jiang pays for his crimes. I urge the Supreme People's Court to open the case as quickly as possible and bring justice to our country. Please tell the country and the world that Falun Gong practitioners are innocent and let them and their family members live in peace and harmony.