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Falun Dafa Music Echoes in Vienna

Oct. 3, 2015 |   By Shu Hui, Minghui correspondent in Vienna

(Minghui.org) The European Divine Land Marching Band brought the music of Falun Dafa to the capital of music, Vienna, on September 19, 2015. The band gave performance of both Eastern and Western music on Stephansplatz, including “Falun Dafa Is Good” “Falun Holy King” “Fa Rectifies the Universe” “Ode to Joy” and others. The beautiful and resonant music fascinated the spectators.

The European Divine Land Marching Band gives a performance on Stephansplatz at a large-scale rally supporting the lawsuits against former Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin, who launched the persecution in 1999.

Founded in 2006, the European Divine Land Marching Band has brought Falun Dafa music and information to most of the cities in Europe. It introduces the principles of Falun Dafa – Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance – to the public and government officials, along with information about Falun Dafa practitioners' efforts to end the persecution.

The lawsuits against Jiang have received wide support from Austrians. Austrian Green Party Member of Parliament, Dr. Madeleine Petrovic, said it was important to file lawsuits against Jiang. She knew that even though bringing a dictator who has committed crimes against humanity couldn't revive those who lost their lives in the persecution, it was important to let people know about the crimes, and someone would have to account for it.

The European Divine Land Marching Band at the Eiffel Tower

The European Divine Land Marching Band at a large-scale parade in the Netherlands

The European Divine Land Marching Band received an award in Bremen.

As Wendy, a member of the band, stated, “We would like to bring the beauty of Falun Dafa to people. We see parade spectators' happiness and excitement and we are very touched. Our hearts are connected. When we put our heart into our music, people can feel the pure compassion from the bottom of our hearts.”