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Extraordinary Experiences: Falun Dafa Practitioner's Life Saved Three Times

Nov. 15, 2015 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Shanxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) I used to be a temporary worker in a small township enterprise, which made flange plates which are used to cover or close the end of a pipe. My work was very complex and very tiring. I often worked by the blast furnace, which reached a temperature of over 1000 degrees Celsius.

I once worked facing the furnace door. Suddenly a piece of iron, more than one 100 kilograms, dropped into the furnace and the molten iron sprayed on my face. At that very moment, I heard a voice which was the most wonderful sound I had heard in my life. I then said to myself involuntarily: “Molten iron hit the Falun!”

Four or five co-workers checked on me and I told them that I was okay! They could not believe their eyes. They gave me the thumbs-up and said, “Great Falun Dafa practitioner!”

At another time, when I was cleaning the flange plate, I did not notice that a flange plate of 450 pounds, dropped down. It hit my left leg and I was pressed under the flange plate. Two co-workers came running and said that my leg must be broken! By the time they arrived, I had already pulled my leg from under the plate and told them that I was okay. They said, “ Your Master protected you again, didn't he?”

Afterwards I transferred to another factory and did a drilling job. It was a very cold November day and I had to wear two layers of sweaters and a set of clothes when I stepped outside. While I was working, my right sleeve was caught in the machine. The speed of the drill was four hundred revolutions per minute, and generally, an arm would be torn apart within half-a-second. Not only that, the machine was so powerful that a body could be pulled in also.

At that very moment, about seven machines in the workshop suddenly paused for a few seconds. I felt that someone pulled my right shoulder, and three-pieces of sleeves were pulled into the machine. A few seconds later the machines continued to run.

My boss quickly came over, knelt in front of the drill and kept saying, “Thank God! Thank God!...”

I knew Master saved me again. So I told everyone: “ It is my Master who saved me!” The workers all said, “ It's amazing!”