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Family Commits Healthy Man to Mental Hospital to Avoid His Arrest for Practicing Falun Gong

Nov. 17, 2015 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) The family of a healthy man from Fushun City, Liaoning Province, committed him to a mental hospital four times, to avoid his being arrested for practicing Falun Gong.

Because Mr. Wang Huibin persisted in telling people about the persecution of his spiritual belief, Falun Gong, his loved ones were desperate to keep him from being arrested and imprisoned.

After spending a total of nine years in two mental hospitals, Mr. Wang now suffers from severe migraines, insomnia, and partial memory loss.

Mr. Wang went to Beijing to speak out for Falun Gong in 2003. After he was taken home and detained at the local detention center, his older sister and his workplace supervisor bailed him out by claiming that he was not mentally stable and needed medical attention. They had to check Mr. Wang into a local psychiatric hospital for two weeks before taking him home.

A few days later, Mr. Wang decided to go back to work. Knowing that he would tell coworkers about Falun Gong and afraid that, due to the CCP's persecution policy, he would be arrested and imprisoned, his wife called her two brothers. They took Mr. Wang by force to the same mental hospital again.

When Mr. Wang resisted taking any drugs, Liu Yongzheng, head of the fourth ward, shocked him with electric needles, which caused immediate, piercing headaches. The drugs that were forced into him caused partial memory loss. He was hospitalized for three years and released in 2006.

Mr. Wang was later arrested for talking to people about Falun Gong and held in the Fushun City Detention Center. After paying a bribe to get him out, his family took him to another mental hospital, Fushun City No. 5 Hospital, where he was drugged and electric-shocked. He then began gazing into space for extended periods of time, and had difficulty walking on his own.

He was arrested once again in April 2009. After being released a month later, his wife and older sister took him to a mental hospital for a fourth time. Although the hospital staff was well aware that Mr. Wang was not mentally ill, they tied him down and forcibly administered drugs. He was not released until 2015. Due to the long term administration of such drugs, he now has severe migraines and insomnia, and shakes uncontrollably.