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China's Largest Petroleum Corporation Hounds Employees Who Practice Falun Gong

Nov. 17, 2015 |   By a correspondent from Shandong Province

(Minghui.org) An oilfield research institute in Shandong Province has been purging Falun Gong practitioners from its workforce since late October 2015. By November 8, at least ten employees had been targeted.

The Institute of Geological Science of Shengli Oilfield, based in Dongying City, Shandong Province, is affiliated with the China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), one of the largest producers in the country's oil industry.

The targeted employees were required to give up practicing Falun Gong, dismissed from their posts, offered early retirement, or arrested.

Targeted Employees

Ms. Zhang Jing, in charge of the logistics section, was arrested on November 2, and held in the Niuzhuang Detention Center of Binhai Police Department. She was released on November 5, thanks to her family's persistent efforts.

Mr. Wang Zhibang, a 50-year-old senior engineer, had filed criminal complaints against Jiang Zemin, who launched the persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. Wang was arrested on November 4, and given 15 days of detention. Because he had high blood pressure symptoms, he was released that day. He has since returned to work.

Mr. Xu Ren is a senior engineer from the geophysical section. Officials talked with him many times after November 2, and threatened to send him to a brainwashing center. His health deteriorated under the pressure, and he had to take time off from work.

Police later went to his workplace to arrest him on November 5, but without success. So they proceeded to find Mr. Xu's wife. Learning that he was not home, they warned her that he must give himself up—the sooner the better.

Other employees known to have been harassed include Mr. Lu Yanqing, Mr. Li Yan, Mr. Li Deyun, Mr. Bao Yan, Mr. Yang Liubin, Mr. Wu Jie, and Ms. Xia Yurong. Details about them are not yet available.

Secret Meeting

This latest round of persecution was instigated by the 610 Office of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) committee at Shengli Oilfield. The Binhai Police Department of Shandong Province, and the former security section of Shengli Oilfield, assisted in the action.

Following orders from the 610 Office, the institute's CCP committee held a secret meeting on November 2, and devised a plan for what to do with its employees who are Falun Gong practitioners.

Employees were first called in to meet with officials, and they were told they would be fined if they practiced Falun Gong. They were later called in again to talk with officials from the institute's security section, but this time they were taken away by police.

The plan was well organized and carried out, and the practitioners' colleagues were unaware of what happened to them. They were told that their coworkers were on leave for personal affairs.

Participants involved in persecuting the practitioners:Liu Xianta (刘宪太), chief of the Shengli Oilfield and Institute of Geological Science, +86-13805462382 (Mobile), +86-546-8715495 (Office), +86-546-8771937 (Office)Yu Baohua (于葆华), secretary of the CCP Committee of the institute: +86-15954618333, +86-546-8715464 (Office), +86-546-8509144 (Office)Han Zhenlong (韩振龙), chief of the 610 Office of the institute: +86-13475266677 (Mobile), +86-546-8715153 (Office), +86-546-8710963 (Office)Wu Changshan (吴长山), 610 Office agent with the institute, chief of the security section, major assistant in the persecution: +86-15005468669, +86-546-8716110 (Office),+86-546-8509156 (Office)An (安), chief of the Binhai Police Department, +86-546-8506436 (Office)