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Drawn to Dafa's Profound Principles

Nov. 23, 2015 |   By Hui Gui, a practitioner from Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) My sister-in-law, a Falun Dafa practitioner for over 10 years, told me about Falun Dafa from time to time, and in May 2013 I decided to practice it. Thus, I am a relatively new practitioner.

I had had an accident in March of that year, broke my leg, and needed surgery. After I was discharged, I recuperated at home.

This was a good opportunity for me to watch Master’s lectures. My sister-in-law also brought me a copy of Zhuan Falun. After I read this book once, I was drawn to Dafa’s profound principles.

Dafa teaches people to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and to always think of others first. It also asks its practitioners to let go of attachments. It teaches so much that I never knew before.

Zhuan Falun is really a precious book, and I regret that I did not find it earlier. However, I still feel lucky that I can obtain Dafa during the last stage of Fa- rectification. I made a firm resolution to truly cultivate in Dafa and be diligent.

I do the exercises at four every morning, as well as during the day, and take every opportunity to study the Fa. Master has purified my body in a very short time, and my ailments, such as stomach disease, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, and gallstones, disappeared. I have changed, and my moral level is rapidly improving, because I follow the Dafa principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

New Student Follows Dafa Principles

My boss asked me to buy several small benches. The salesperson gave me a few dollars' discount, but wrote the original amount on the invoice. That was dishonest, and I told him to put the correct amount on the invoice. I said that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner and that we cannot take things that do not belong to us, that we should always be honest. I gave him some Dafa literature and said a few things about the practice.

I work in the private sector, and my schedule is very tight. I do not have much time to talk to people about Dafa, but I will not neglect it.

When I began to practice Falun Dafa, I talked to my co-workers about Dafa. Most of them understood what I told them and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The son of a co-worker broke his leg playing basketball at university. After he had surgery, he went home to recover. I visited him, talked about Dafa, asked him to quit the CCP, and gave him some Dafa literature. I told him why the CCP persecutes Dafa and about the Tienanmen self-immolation hoax, which was orchestrated by the CCP to frame Dafa. He quit the CCP. I also told him to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and that it would benefit him.

Telling People about Dafa

I usually take personal leave to distribute Dafa materials or when I attend a relative's party. My sister-in-law and I distributed material to all our relatives. We talked to them about Dafa and the need to quit the CCP. Most of them have done so and have chosen a better future.

When I get off from work early, I distribute Dafa literature, but before I leave, I stand in front of Master’s portrait and say, “Master, I’m going out to save people. Please protect me, so that the evil in other dimensions cannot see me, and please bring predestined people to me!"

As I walk, I recite Master's poem “What's to Fear?” from Hong Yin Vol. II. When I arrive in a neighborhood, I distribute flyers to every home and help people quit the CCP and its affiliates. Sometimes no one is at home, so I leave a Dafa flyer and hope that they will read it carefully and not miss the chance to be saved.

At one neighbor's front door, her dog started barking. She came out and asked me what I wanted. I said that I wanted to bring her blessings and gave her a booklet. I said, “It is a godsend, and you will understand after you read it. Have you heard about Falun Dafa?”

She said she had, so I told her that Dafa teaches Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Then I asked if she had heard about quitting the CCP. She hadn't, but she had not joined any of the CCP organizations. I told her to remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” which would benefit her in times of danger.

Tiananmen Square Incident

Three people were chatting outside another house. I gave them some flyers, and one man asked if it was about Dafa. He said that he had heard about the "self-immolation" on Tiananmen Square. I told him that it had been staged to direct the public's anger against Dafa.

Then I told him about a veteran practitioner who wanted to go to Tienanmen Square to have a last look before retiring from the army, because he did not know when or if he could ever get to Beijing again. Because of the curfew, however, he could not get to the Square. That evening he saw the television report about a "self-immolation" on Tiananmen Square. He said, “Aren't they acting? So many police officers not even a cat could get in there--how could they let practitioners go there and set themselves on fire? They can't fool me!”

The man then asked how much I was paid for handing out the flyers. I told him that we do it voluntarily, that practitioners live frugally and produce the literature with their own money.

I asked the three of them to quit the CCP, but they did not understand. I said that, since the CCP seized power, it has killed more than 80 million innocent people, and now it is persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. The state even sanctions harvesting organs from living practitioners for profit. I said that the only way to be safe is to quit the CCP. One quit the Young Pioneers, while the others had not joined the CCP organizations. I told them to remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good" during times of danger. They told me to be careful.